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Everything posted by Ladd

  1. I cant really get one with using 2 fingers feels really sketchy like im going to let go of the bars ! 1 Finger ***
  2. Im Pretty sure if you order a new chain and put the wheel the hole way forward and make it that size When tensioned the wheel will sit in the middle of the drop out so your brake should be fine, but yeh New chain ***
  3. There Made Bye the same people and the products are basicly the same apart from frames but they both feel nice!
  4. Comon Make this ride just as big as the last one!!
  5. Looks mint mate proper nice!
  6. Pads:Rock Blues Grind:Yes Tar:No Type of grind:Light sharp Smooth rim:No Still has origonal annodised sidwall (if had one):No Rim:Echo 05 Cnc Time used:Still using now been about week Review of pad:Very Very goood pads lot of bite and hold loud at F*k Comparison to previous pads:alot more bite and hold Previous pads:heatsink reds
  7. No. Hes after the piston for the inside off the lever
  8. No No No lol thats a cable olive..i just checked crc dont stock maggie pistons
  9. cut a slot in the top of the bolt and unscrew it like a screw
  10. Most people use 18:12 thats perfect...Are you running front freewheel?
  11. Ladd

    Spiderman Bt

    I Like It Looks Fit!
  12. Headset is messed or a shit wheel build?
  13. I'll Be there Mike dumont..Lewis i'll bring that booster aswell
  14. Naa Bb7 *** !! best locking brake ever piss's all over my mates hopes :F
  15. Plaz Pads on a smooth rim work mint mate ! very good pads
  16. Put my Name Down Michael Dumont
  17. My mates T-pro looks pretty sweet
  18. Ladd

    Cls Repost?

    Seen all those clips there just in a different vid to that one! mint vid though
  19. All black White rims and pedals
  20. I run A rear Echo Tyre its mint such a hard compound you can run it a very low pressure for maxium grip up front is a old monty tyre very soft and grippy
  21. Ladd

    New Vids

    Sweeet man Keep up the good riding
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