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Everything posted by Ladd

  1. Someone Find a cheap shitty bike and try it
  2. Im happy with my 05 cnc rims
  3. how come mine doesnt do it? i have the same freewheel as you?
  4. Well im at school now and i asked some mates and they said yes, is your bike done
  5. Im pretty sure the post office do it mate
  6. Ladd

    Danny Barnett

    Mint vid he sent me that yesterdat bloody brill
  7. Looks mint and really apealing (sp?) i would buy that any day nice one adam!
  8. Sounds like you done it write to me but some times oil bleeds do loose abit off fluid when you tighten the bolts up if it feels really bad take the lever off and bleed it that way
  9. That looks Pimp Loving the blue
  10. Mint. Saw that vid of the drop went wrong about a week ago
  11. Mint Vid mate, Sickk riding:)
  12. No Buying Or Selling in new members chat mate read the guidelines
  13. Have you got any other 18t freewheels you could try and see if it does it ?
  14. Yeh man, Mine does it a tiny tiny bit but not that much, my mate has a try-all brand new freewheel and brand new echo cranks and it does it worse than yours alot worse
  15. Ladd

    Aidan Chisholm

    Mint, you get that cheque?
  16. Ladd

    Aidan Chisholm

    Mint Vid mate, What frame you riding iin some of them clips?
  17. Ladd


    Is there guna be anymore
  18. Ladd


    there guna be anymore
  19. Ladd


    Ye me to. I just shat myself
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