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Everything posted by Ladd

  1. Nice Pics, Looks a proper mint place to ride
  2. 06 t-pro are mint, front rear magura's nice geo frame
  3. Both bikes look fit, What happend to your mod chris
  4. When a frame is welded and not heat treated it gets very brital and just snaps
  5. Petrol or paint remover works me thinks
  6. Ladd

    Craig Lee Scott

    Siccckkk! Cheeers Adam!
  7. I heard that a while ago that the bars have never changed
  8. Ladd

    Trials Heaven?

    Naa you want Blue palllets, there great
  9. Ladd

    Plaz Pmg Pads

    Yeah but they were on tarty im just wondering were have they gone?
  10. Ladd

    Plaz Pmg Pads

    I was on Tarty erlyer and i noticed the plaz pmg pads Are not on the list off pads any more, Some tell me whats going on
  11. These Forks haven't been out long so i dont think alot off people would have used them
  12. What the hell i would be scared to ride that bike with the yellow wheels they would snap
  13. What has he done to that LMAO
  14. Erm well alot off people will say dont use a echo freehub but my mates is mint, but profile still better option
  15. You up for sending me a couple on msn dude?
  16. Will he release new components aswell?
  17. Yeah but it looks like there is 4 bolt mounts on the frame. . .
  18. Callum Look On Tesco Or Currys website
  19. Hopes custormer service is amazing! If your hubs breaks they will help you out as much as they can and normally send you new bits for it, if its in warranty
  20. Yes! Amazing Hubs and sound Great!
  21. Zoo! forks Zoo bar and stem Pro2 rear hub, echo rim Pro2 front hub, echo rim Echo forged cranks, Front bb7 Rear Maggie Try and get most off it second hand off here when you get validated
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