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Everything posted by Ladd

  1. instead off having a freewheel on the back on a normal bike, the freewheel is on the front on the cranks, so when the fixed (fixed= A cog that is screw onto the rear hub that doesnt move either way) reear wheel spins it drives the freewheel at the front and the chain moves when you dont pedal, Pedal backwards the chain doesnt move Freehub is the freewheel built into the back hub, and instead off a freewheel on the cranks you have a fixed sprocket so when you stop pedaling the chain does not go round, like front freewheel This is more similar to a normal mountain bike, pedal backwards the chain goes backwards.
  2. What speed you running or single, might be able to get you a split link from work dude...

  4. Hello u coming out?

  5. im just haviing tee

  6. elo i cant get on msn m8

  7. Dave85 does amazing brand new TPA's £3 posted as many as you like for £3 each basicly the same as the H.E.N one.
  8. Yeah, Not sure how i did it, A3 rides alot better, It was a free frame because off the warrenty
  9. Looks Good Mate, For mine im making a Tool Storage Unit
  10. Yeah had the echo, it cracked now riding A3
  11. Hey Man! think i met you on one of the peterborough rides, Black koxx?
  12. 2-3 weeks Acording to dan thats when the testers are anyway
  13. Yeah If there was only 20 frames made get one quick lads There uber pimp ! Nice bike dan
  14. Nicee Dan You ever going to bring a KO Stock Out ?
  15. Ladd

    Adamant A3

    Rides mint, really nice on backwheel
  16. I think he wants a Gold echo rim on back
  17. He said Stackers hehe, Not stickers
  18. Ladd

    Adamant A3

    Cheers for the comments Any more?
  19. Looks Mint Karl, Smooth black rims look mint, Mite get a rear on the A3, with some Old zoo pads Ride soon buddy
  20. What's the Bite and hold on these pads like compared to rock blue's ?
  21. Id say Zoo! After cracking my echo
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