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Everything posted by Ladd

  1. I like to run my tyres pretty hard but a tiny bit soft 20-25psi so i get a lil spring ,and run them hard so i dont dent my rim it already has about 6 dents in it
  2. Nice Mate, I rode there, In the summer, That rock near the bowls court i remeber Lol, and rode the rocks Nicee
  3. Ladd

    Is Msn Broke?

    Done this to me couple off days ago, says trouble shoot nothing wrong, i just kept tryin it for 20 mins and finally got on
  4. Nope, to be honest Echo tyres Are terrible, Ride a echo tyre for month then go back to creepy crawlers, i ran a bald creepy for a day and it was still better than my echo bye loads, soo much spring, echo tyres are a hard compound thats why they dont ware down, but creepys wear down but are so soft and enjoyable to ride
  5. to be honest, I found my echo tyre's shit, Gone back to good old creepy crawlers So much bounce and grip, my echo tyres lasted for ages but were just shocking hold and bounce
  6. Nice one karl yeah mint pics as always
  7. Was a good ride, shame about the wether, Good pics!
  8. Ladd

    Beau GU Clips!

    Title: Beau GU Clips! Music: Duration: 02:02 minutes Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload Summary Beau messing about in hereford, No editing at all straight off tape
  9. Ladd

    Uvex Helmet

    Yep, i have one now, really nice helmets soo light and comfy
  10. Ladd

    Injury Advice

    Unlucky man, how u do it lol i was at the ride and didnt see u do it
  11. Rite, see you all there im leaving in about 20 mins, Is it nice wether Karl?
  12. Riders: Callum-Luvs-Trials Trials chapy Mod-Mike Karl Butcher TTommeH-Trials Trials-biker-ryan Jason hill Ingram. Lewis Jackson Matt Croft Pink King Ryan@eastcost Biddle John Banks Andy Wolf dave savoy fish finger wally Bessell If your Name is on this list and your not coming please reply to this topic saying your not going
  13. Fair lot off spots mate, If you look thoough a couple off pages back in this topic there is a link to pics of peterborough ride
  14. Ladd

    Uvex Helmet

    Yeah Man, I orderd one, couple of days ago got it today
  15. Ladd

    Uvex Helmet

    Yeah, Orderd it i get it soo cheap because off work
  16. Yeah Sure, Quickest Reply ever ? Haha
  17. Yeah I will be there, On The A3
  18. Karl Mine did this when i put pressure on them, took them off cleaned them all up put a good bit off grease on the taper off the crank and on the bolt and tightend them up with a huge allen key They dont do it anymore
  19. Siiick Riiiding mate, Nice Vid
  20. Nice Vid, Real good mate
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