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Everything posted by Ladd

  1. Nicee Hit some 50"+ sidehop's ? Mike
  2. I will Looks like ben isnt coming thow, he hasnt been on his trials for months. and i pulled ligaments in my foot but meh ill still ride cya there xx
  3. 13?? that will make it alot easyer to pedal
  4. if its the Monty TI freewheel there pretty amazing i run one for ages and its still going fine and wit 160mm cranks monty freewheel 12t rear sprocket... it was a great gear ratio
  5. hmm 160 will feel harder, when i moved from 160 to 170 it was easyer gearing. not sure off the problem then mate
  6. How long are your cranks ? and your mates ? because that makes gearing feel lighter (easyer) if there longer and if there short it feels hard to pedal even if there both 18:12
  7. SICK! Im 20mins away from it on bus
  8. Ladd


    yeah i snapped my echo lite bash in half
  9. Ladd

    Poor Brake

    Clean the rim with lighter fluid, and sand the pads down abit
  10. Dude get down to peterborough on the 18th big ride
  11. Ladd


    Yeah John looks Real Good Spec Please Ride soon Man, Mike x
  12. Ladd


    Yeah this is one off our main stockist for were i work, pretty good stuff, was talking to the rep for Zyro few weeks ago about trials
  13. Yeah Chris that was Good Nice video liked the song
  14. Rite mate, when i had to bleed my mates avid juicy carbons witch is basicly same as a juicy 5 you need a special bleed kit that does it with pressure, im sure anyway i tryed doing it like you would a hope but it just worked shit had to take it Lbs because i didnt have the kit..
  15. My sister lives in dover, we went to ramsgate and it looked pretty mint for riding
  16. Yes danny that was sick, best vid off you ever ! great style:)
  17. Dude that was sick, your vid is great, HUGE! Gaps Loved it, ignore all the twats leaving stupid comments
  18. Looks good, Still cant believe you cut the rear drop outs from 10mm to 14mm on that 06 GU
  19. Gold.. i can ride better with it feels soo nice
  20. I'll deffo be there with my new profile wheel
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