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About Dang!

  • Birthday 03/09/1972

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  1. Aha- there in lies a large difference. The cost difference between a "new" frame and a "new to you" frame can be large.
  2. I think Tha Goat got some info from TRA, but maybe not- TRA suggested DHL. It is a good idea though. He is away until the end of the month.
  3. on the dole and looking to purchase a frame... my my my aren't these times a bitch. If more than one person is interested in this program, than obviously that deal can't stand. But, if two, three, ect... still want to pull this off- than split the cost, and split the time accordingly. The clock is still at zero, with twelve months to go- But if you really want a frame- join the team, buy a frame, and I'll try and cover as much of the shipping as I can afford.
  4. unfortunately not. Shipping/ duties/ and VAT have been one of the largest hurdles I have been facing. As a hand made frame, it is near impossible to get a finished frame made cheap enough to be affordable once shipping and duties have been added. It's one of the driving forces behind why I thought this might have been a good idea, if the frame is a prototype (not for resale) and the shipping gets split up, it becomes more reasonable. It's all very silly- it costs me @ $20.00 to ship a frame (insured for full retail) all the way across the United States, it costs me almost $200.00 to get the same frame to England- It's stupid
  5. hee hee of course I know I have an attitude problem, I'm an American. and as to the rest of it, EVS... there is no point in dragging up all that old business, I can't apologize anymore for it than I already have, it would be pointless. Fact of the matter is, all was well until money came into play. I can't afford to give the frame to the masses and pay for it to get to each and every one. So in retrospect, the cost is far more than I thought and too much for any one person to bear. So maybe it was a bad idea. But for people to keep stating that I am asking too much or not giving enough is just wrong. I am not asking for anything monetary. The shipping costs do not go to me or through me. I don't know how else to say it. If no one other than Ross is interested anymore, so be it. The other frames are making their rounds quite nicely. Thomas will be more than happy to keep it, or if Ross can come up with the money. It's yours my friend.
  6. C'mon JT- no need to take this all so personally. It may seem you are directing your wrath at me, but as you mentioned, you offered to fly it over early on- It's really not me that is going to be taking you up on your offer or like offers, it's the people in England who are trying to figure out how to get it there. As I said in the very begining- I am offering the oportunity to use the frame. The shipping is up to the people who want to ride it. The price I listed was what I had found (from here through UPS), I know Tha Goat found a very similar number. So your frustration, though it may be directed at me, really goes to the people who are having a frustrating time finding a good deal shipping. They certainly don't need your additude, but if you have found a good deal, I imagine they would love to have access to it.
  7. The frame is in 5036 Bergen, Norway. The box the frame is shipped in is 1219mm x 203mm x 203mm The "dimensional" weight is 19lbs, the actual weight is more like 9lbs. DHL is probably the best bet for shipping. Tha Goat looked into it and can probably weigh in about this.
  8. Hi Just being glib is all. It's pretty easy for someone not involved to post a comment such as JT's. If he is correct and there is a cheaper way, I would think he would offer his advice, rather than just a comment. So my reply was as useful as his comment. I have tried to come up with a cheaper way to get it to you all, but in the end it's going to cost what it costs. I can't afford to ship it, so it will stay with TRA until someone either pays for the shipping or figures out a way to get it without paying... Hh
  9. super! As an authority on these matters I'll leave it up to you to get the best price. Let everyone know what you've found.
  10. get 8 others and then you have something. Otherwise it's going to remain with Thomas.
  11. The idea is to split it amongst a group- making one person pay for the whole thing is unfair- Let me know if no one is willing to chip in.
  12. Ask Tha Goat, he was looking into it. my Guess is @ $200 USD Adam may be able to get it imported cheaper?
  13. It looks like it's going to come to the first bloke who can afford to get it shipped from TRA.
  14. The product he is using from http://allsportdynamics.com/ is really top notch.
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