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Trials Monkey (2/9)
And Trials isn't just about hopping and gapping, anyway there's another thread about that discussion. My favorite riders are Rowan Johns and Stan Shaw. Rowan because the lines he makes in his videos are just plain awesome and Stan's riding is so controlled and smooth. Then I'd say Ali C, TRA, Danny Mac, Dani Comas, Cesar CaƱas, Ben Travis, Benito Ros, Hermance, Kenny Belaey, Koekoek, James Porter, Ben Slinger, Akrigg and the list really goes on, there are just too many awesome riders.
You can look some of the frames that he has made as well as the process in these links: http://picasaweb.google.com/marinobike http://picasaweb.google.com/marinobikes
Yes, I understand what you mean, well I just think that God is the one who let's those things happen in everyone's lives, and the difference is that we, who believe Him, have someone to rely on. Like I said before, all these things are hard to describe, until you're in the situation where you really need someone, and you can just rely on Him. There are many things that humanity doesn't know and will never know, because our knowledge and capacity is limited, there's where faith comes in. He does answer prayers but in different ways, sometimes he does it in miracles and sometimes, like you said, he make us work for it.
God doesn't cause those bad things, we do, He gave us free will. And about the diseases and natural disasters I think that nobody is free from losing someone or getting a disease, even being good persons, but all those things happen for a reason, probably some people need those things to happen in their lives so they strengthen their faith on Him. For example if I ask God for courage he won't give me courage just like that, He will give me the opportunity to develop courage through experiences, often bad experiences. It's actually something hard to explain and describe, until you experience it. And about the evolution theory I don't know much about it, but I respect other people's beliefs. Christianity is not a religion, it's a way of living, it's having a personal relationship with God, it's not something that Christian impose on people, those "Christians" that try to impose their beliefs are wrong.
Well, it's a bit long but let's see. When I was a kid my family was really really poor, my dad couldn't find a job and he eventually got a bit "lazy" about seeking for a job and looking for money for our needs. We lived like that for some years, and my older brothers actually suffered more than me. My mother cried almost everyday because of the powerlessness that she felt because she couldn't give us what we needed and we wanted, and in those times her faith in God was really low because all the things that were happening. Eventually she decided to stop living like that and asked God for help, she believed in Him but didn't have a relationship. She started to go to church and having a real relationship with God, I was still a kid and I didn't understand that yet. Then things started happening, we met a missionary from US through a friend, he started helping me so I could keep studying in a Christian school. Then my mother found a job in the church where we went and finally we could have a decent life. Then when I was old enough to understand about God, I began my personal relationship with Him, I'm the only one of my brothers that was able to finish school. Here in Peru there are many families that are really poor and have no hope, and I thank God that he gave us the opportunity to have a better life.
It's all about faith, I believe that God gave us a second chance, and we can have a perfect life after death if we choose to accept Him and believe Him. It's not about being a perfect person and being a saint, it's just impossible for any human being. And well, I decided to take Christianity because I've experimented what is having a personal relationship with God, and He has helped me many times in different aspects of my life.
I haven't read all the pages, but I have to say that I believe that Jesus died for me, and that's what makes me a Christian. And actually I believe that there are no guidelines, what God says in the Bible are teachings about what we should do to be better persons and to stay in His path, but the relationship with God is completely personal, based on our faith in Him. Anyway, all the christians aren't like those people in those videos. I'm identified with these people: (watch the whole video if you want to see what Christianity is about, having a personal relationship with God) Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
You are right, Marino made a mistake by not making a contract with Damon, but still that's not an excuse for doing what Damon did. It's just common sense that posting pictures of his broken frame (which he got for free with the intention of starting a sponsorship) in a public forum was going to give a bad image, which is the opposite thing that a sponsored rider should do. Anyway, I think that everyone has already got the point of what happened here and this is actually going a bit off-topic.
Hi Rich, I saw your case and if your frame is still with issues do not hesitate in contacting Marino again. Sorry but I don't know any company that has never had any issue with their products, even making them at big factories. Damon Watson hasn't still appeared in MarinoBike's website as a sponsored rider because he was still riding a prototype frame as I stated before, so Marino is already evaluating what solutions could be made to make lighter frames without compromising the structure.
I want to clarify this, that frame was a prototype, Damon Watson wanted it to be under 5lbs which is the lightest frame that Marino has built so far. We knew he was going to break it because it didn't have any gussets or reinforcements, that's why Marino sent him 2 frames. He should be using the backup frame that Marino sent him. And like any frame manufacturer, there's always the possibility to break their frames, and there's where the warranty takes place, Marino gives a 6 months warranty against manufacturing and material defects, which in this case would have applied. Also Marino is already planning in getting Chromoly, so the strength will be better in a while. - Elijah.
Take a look to www.observedtrials.net, it's a US based forum, you can probably get something second hand and cheap there. And some well known shops are www.trialspads.com and www.trialsin.com. Tarty is a UK based shop but their service is really good and they also ship worldwide. And about the bike, you should get something long, with a wheelbase around 1085mm and a bottom bracket rise of +15 to 30mm, I'm around 6'2 and I ride a bike with a similar geometry and I feel it really comfortable.
I'll work on that. Thanks for the feedback! - Elijah.
Where is it jumping? From the rear sprocket or the front one? The top or the bottom? If it jumps from the top it could be the chain line.
Sorry, I forgot to update the links. This is the new one: Order Form