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Everything posted by dave33

  1. same as me and same with bb's but with bb's its to tighten them (Y)
  2. well im sorry to say that you thought wrong. the drilling size for a M5-0.8 bolt hole to be helicoiled is 5.2mm
  3. ok then just get a new one and dont over tighten it
  4. umm...... 1mm bigger dont do that a hecicoil will never work then, the drilling size will need to be 5.2mm and you will need to buy the correct tap to go with the helicoil you buy the ste is about £25 so id say you would be fra better buying a helf calipper from hope
  5. elgato kujo 521 middle burn chainrings koolstop pads and the grinder not that its part but a tool, every one has a grind on there rims (Y)
  6. get a new one fitted correctly, i expect you fitted your secound one urself and it just pulled up, thats because it wasnt fitted right. your local bike shope will fit it for about 1£ and jobs done (Y)
  7. wel if it stripped with hardly any pressure then the threadswere f**ked in thefirst place, is the brake new? i very much doubt a helicoil will be stromg enough to hold considering all the forces from the brake, you would be far better off buy a half calipper from hope. but if you dont want to do that get a thread incert, you would need a 7mm hole for one though so depends if you have plenty of room round the bolt hole goodluck
  8. f**k sake shut up you girl, number one you have good riders to ride with and learn off and you been only riding for two years, thats way better than i was after two years and i been riding over 4 years now, i wish i had some one better than me to ride with well any one at all would be nice, i get to ride with decent people about once a month, i gotta tech my self every thing i get to see some one do it once on a ride and then thats it ll go learn it, you can see them do it time after time you got it good so shut up and ride ur bike and you will get past this (Y)
  9. im sure it comes in granual form ready for injection mounding or i totally wrong (Y)"
  10. dave33


    mate dont bother buying isis waste of cash, just buy some sq tapers tensile or buns, keep an eye on ur crank bolts too.. you could try a different bb as the taper on ur is probly 15 degree's try one with 12 it does make quite a difference.. but as the craks you have are crap its time for an upgrade any way :(
  11. you can still order them through halfords for£59 i think, thats from nse, try giving them a ring(nse) :)
  12. lol xc no....... i have apair on my bike now at the mo, took my middleburns off to put these on :P
  13. kenises make monty frames so they are top notch :) one of the best frame building compainies on the planet imo :D
  14. the problem is that the weld doesnt flex but the tube does and then it craks again
  15. better to start on a low gear as ur get ur body movement and technique better as ur not relying on ur legs to pedal every thing, if you use a higher gear you will find it easyer to gap but thast urs legs doing the work not ur whole body so try a low gear :S
  16. dont worry about putting them in for to long as they are sintered so ur not gonna over bake them, i just stick themin for a while like and hour but i got a stove which is on all the time so i just leave them in over night mostly, about 400 *c
  17. the rims flexing side to side when ur pedaling hard :S tension the spokes correctly :D
  18. if its flush with the tope get a hacksaw and cut a slit across it just about 1mm deep then you should be able to unscrew it, and the slipt wont make much dfference to the strength :S
  19. ok iv got a problem with my bike need a much longer bb so what do people run on them also whats the widest bb you can buy ?
  20. dave33


    From the album: dave33

  21. dave33


    From the album: dave33

  22. a pair of magura hs 33's would be great with some koolstop pads, dont bother with the 05 hs33's cus they are wank go for some 04 ones :P
  23. dave33


    From the album: dave33

  24. dave33


    From the album: dave33

  25. dave33


    From the album: dave33

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