yes the bar on a dh bike is to keep the disc floating and not compress the sus whne braking, aslo the froce which kills frames is when you land on eadge of summt and the wheel is pulling back on the disc/frame, likle when you back wheel summit and extend ur body.
i used to run an m4 and it was an amazing brake better than any magura, BUT it snapped 4 frames so i gave up on it, i did as lesson if he could make me a frame with the disc between the stays but the m4 was to big to fit. BUT now that the magura marta is around it would fit betwen the stays, and they have loads of power, i do wish they were out when i had my disc,
oh well would be to much expence for me to get one now so im not going to bother. :sleeping:
oh thats a bit long,sorry for going on and on
and on
and on :">