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  • Birthday 12/12/1991

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  • Quick Spec
    ECHO lite 07 frame Gold magura hs33 levers Blue zoo brake mounts Blue echo tough bars Black echo lite stem Black echo lite forks Black Ronnie and reggie drilled rims ECHO forged cranks maxxis creapy crawlers front/rear

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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. I live in broughton but have never seen you! Do you ride very often?

  2. Great video! Just to say... you have spelt your name wrong at the start and the end lol


    Me riding
  4. Pretty damn good Danny!! Is all that riding in Barton? Looks like some quite good places. I do fancy having a ride in Barton some time. chigs
  5. (I think) correct me if i'm wrong there is a little bolt in between the lever and the handle bar which is the TPA and if you adjust that it will move your pads CHIGS
  6. Personally i would say just bleed it as you do with oil. Because you dont have to take the brakes off the bike and it is less hastle, but some people would say differently. Firstly unscrew your TPA if it works then take the bolt out of your slave cylinder, attach the pipe with the syringe on, then take the bolt out of your lever screw the other pipe in and then pump the water through until there is no air bubbles. Flick the hose if needed to release trapped bubbles, then put your finger over the hole (at the lever end) pump the syringe so the pads go in and out. While keeping your finger over the end of the pipe, unscrew the pipe with the syringe on, screw your bolt back in, then you can take your finger off the pipe. Then unscrew the other pipe so there are no more pipes attached then screw the bolt back in, then turn your TPA to how you like it and your done. CHIGS
  7. +1 It says you are not authorised to view this members photo album?? Havent you got any pictures that you could put up on here? CHIGS
  8. Hello mate. Stick to the rules, try and use correct spelling and punctuation and you will be validated in no time (probably before me) Oh yeah, no buying or selling in new members chat! Just giving you a heads up mate. You will be able to buy or sell when you get validated. If you need anything do not hesitate to ask. CHIGS
  9. I have used a piece of clear perspecs heated it in the oven and curved it to the shape of my frame and then cable tied it to my frame. Does the trick CHIGS
  10. I have added another video abit thurther up it is abit longer and it has music behind it mate(Y) And about the quality, i need to get a new camera. CHIGS
  11. Thanks for all the good comment's I will put more video's up when i make some. Thank you. CHIGS
  12. Which software do you use to make your video's? CHIGS
  13. I have made a slightly longer version of the video, and instead of making a new topic i fought i would just put it into here Sorry about the picture quality the camera is abit crap until i get my new one. And i have put some music behind this one. CHIGS
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