Personally i would say just bleed it as you do with oil. Because you dont have to take the brakes off the bike and it is less hastle, but some people would say differently. Firstly unscrew your TPA if it works then take the bolt out of your slave cylinder, attach the pipe with the syringe on, then take the bolt out of your lever screw the other pipe in and then pump the water through until there is no air bubbles. Flick the hose if needed to release trapped bubbles, then put your finger over the hole (at the lever end) pump the syringe so the pads go in and out. While keeping your finger over the end of the pipe, unscrew the pipe with the syringe on, screw your bolt back in, then you can take your finger off the pipe. Then unscrew the other pipe so there are no more pipes attached then screw the bolt back in, then turn your TPA to how you like it and your done. CHIGS