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About j1eden

  • Birthday 08/26/1992

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  • MSN

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  • Real Name
    joe eden
  • Bike Ridden

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j1eden's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. ok thanks but i think i have made up my mind i might get ZOO! or echo
  2. ok then what ever ...... no thats ok mate i wont to spend a bit more on my crank just to make sure it doese not brake ok cheers ..........
  3. yes its 4 a 26'' ok cheers mate but what sort of bash ring can u put on the bonz cranks ?????????????
  4. quite a big gap it sort of looks like your brake sliped you shuold sort that brake out,, and you cant ride for six weeks harsh:( .. y cant you ride ave you broken somthing
  5. hi ermmmmmmm who ever makes trials vidz what progrmme do you use because i use ulead and that is rubbish and i need a good one ,,,,
  6. hi there anyone that knows southend or around that area , were is the best trials spot ????????????????????
  7. its probably because u aint worn it in yet u can wear it in by rolling for about days without pedalling ..
  8. hi mate it depends if you have a grind if u have a grind i recomend rim jams aparently they are the best but i dont no what pads without a grind
  9. ite mate i think you should get a try all freewheel. most people recomend the ENO freewheel but the only reason is beacause you can by loads of spares for it but it is about 80 90 pound , the try all is only £50 some of my friends have got try all freewheel and they sed thats the best they have had and have not had no problems with it yet ????????????
  10. hi mate but what forks u got wid that pitbull plzz add me on msn im interested ............ crazy_joe_123@hotmail.com
  11. what ticks me off is when u are about to drop off of a wall and your brake slips or ur hub slip awwwwwwwwwww thats so anoying doese anyone else get that or is it just me
  12. heres a fsa the pig headset 4 sale im looking for about £10 for it i hope thats not to dear for any one that wants it any way if any 1 is interested then add me on msn ... edit by Mod: No selling or wanted ads in NMC. You need to be validated first, and you've just slowed that down for yourself by breaking the rules...
  13. what do you think about the rear mono trials rear disc brake for trials ???????? ..... WANTED ; rear mono trial disc brake , stock frame , stock , forks , headset , cranks ..... if you have add me on Edited by Mod: No buying and selling in NMC! Two warns in one day...
  14. i dont realy want i middle burn there to common what other isis crank is strong and looks cool ???????????? is dis joe finly's bro i go belfiars m8 and i dnt wont middle burn there to common ???? and my names joe 2 hi m8 i do have isis but its a mission crank i need a new 1 its in a bad state hi mate i do have isis but my crank has been bashed about it makes my bike look poooooooooooo lol need a new 1 ?????????/// hi m8 yes i have got isis , and ive been on tarty i always shop on there and i will probably get my crank from there but i dont no what to get its probably gonna b the echo cnc , zoo or adamant, the echo forged isnt to good my m8 messed the thread up in the pedal bit on his echo forged on both sides lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll well my budget is probably about £130 but £160 with my tensile dual bash well yes i am on isis echo external bb asweljust need a new crank its a rubish mission 1 that has been smashed about and lets my bike down
  15. anyone no what type of crank i should by that would be strong for trials and looks stylish ???????????????
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