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Rob Brodie

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Everything posted by Rob Brodie

  1. 1. sav lives there 2. really cant be arsed 3. really cant be arsed 4. really cant be arsed 5. you wont have a camera man if you do 6. got something planned which you will like (will call you tomz )
  2. Hey, Looking to ride somewhere 'southernly' and different sunday or saturday NO to: Pompey - Bored of it Southampton - Bored of it Reading - not enough money + Christmas ride coming up! Poole - was there last weekend street preferably as andy needs to get some phat stuff for his video done! can't think of anywhere...
  3. does this mean your back adz??
  4. no way! sorry to here that peter. come back soon!!
  5. no-one, were not riding pompey end of
  6. Looks gorgeous. cant believe the weight! Whats the difference and your own preference on that tyre compared to the old one adam?
  7. nope, my steel bolts in my stem are twice the weight of my ti ones. Ti is so strong because it has flex. Hence the top frame companys dont use it because the frame wouldnt feel solid and would last for ages making the company no income from dead frames (if you get me) if a company isnt worried about flex than they could probably use half as much material i supose yeah but then it will become very flexy i expect. you wouldnt really need to use half as much anyway as the weight saving from ali is alot in the first place EDIT: just realised that what i have just said has no irrelevance to comparing ti and ali. ti is most definitely lighter though.
  8. as ive said before andy. congrats. you deserve it alot. we'll get your new vid out soon and youl be a winner
  9. yeah ive heard a few people say it. i would imagine that the colour would soften the compound slightly and softer doesnt always mean better
  10. they'll go brown after a while and they arent as grippy as the blacks...
  11. I've been going to the gym ALOT recently. I'm about 5"9", 2 1/2 months ago i weighed 10"2 stone now I weigh 10"11 I started going because i got pretty bad arm pump during comps. So glad that i did start going now. Its just made me feel 100% better somehow, now i wake up in the morning and feel really good. as for riding i cant really say untill i start comps again but i always ride good now where before i had good and bad days. key is to bulk up but not to much because being hugeee means your flexibility wont be as good plus your bike wont thank you for it. at the moment i am trying to bulk up but after Christmas im going to start strengthening. Bulking/toning you do by doing more reps and less weight (I.E. 40kg and 3 sets of 10-25 reps, you should start struggling on a bout the 3rd to last rep ) Strengthening you do more weight and less reps (I.E Your max weight and 3 sets of 3-5 reps) when your training specifically for trials try to think of the the movements you make on the bike and fit them together with a exercise. take Olympic lifting ... Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  12. dildo well looking forward to this trip
  13. may it is then, il keep this up as the buthiers thread
  14. LOL this thread is hilarious. Tarty adam knows everything END OF!
  15. naths in. will camera be in hand andy?
  16. get all of them sent to tarty
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