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Rob Brodie

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Everything posted by Rob Brodie

  1. Hey, chris mason and thy holy one (me ) have seen some random dude guy in eastleigh in a czar dual disc! anyone know who it is?? or is it U????? nobody knows lol neway im strting to sound a tad gay so il just go. ..rob..
  2. hey guys im up for it as u probs know. i think il give the bum lovin with jamie a miss. maybe with dave and il be happy jks lots of homey love ..rob..
  3. hey, just wondering the times whos riding ect. anything else that i might need to know or tht comes in handy. oh one other thing, how much money am i gonna need for the day including journeys ect. thanks alot guys/girls ..rob..
  4. hey, my mate just got an ipod touch but cant put pictures on it! can anybody help? cheers ..rob..
  5. for the money i would def recomend the echo 6061 forged cranks but i would def like a pair of the echo 7075. all deng cranks are pretty awsome. hope i was some help ..rob..
  6. 1.ride different locations/with different people 2.places not many people ride 3.get a new frame set of wheels ect watever usually people like riding with new stuff 4. learn some cool moves not many people can do 5. work on your style/moves make stuff you do more crazy more HUGE just change stuff then u should be happy hope i was some help ..rob..
  7. hey im rob i live in eastleigh along with andy ball, alex munro and cris manson if u wanna ride then just let me know [ eastleigh_trials_rider@hotmail.co.uk ] the ride this sunday in pompey isnt on for most people as there are no trians to or from pompey so it been moved to southampton more details click here thnks and look foward to riding soon ..rob..
  8. ive got a try-all freewheel and it works like a beast. run it dry and spray a load of WD40 in the seems before everyride. i washed my bike with a hose the other day and the freewheel got full up with water. it ran reli reli quietly but it felt so nice it was unbeliveable at the same time though i wouldnt of thought it would of done it much good oh well. hope i helped ..rob..
  9. i no alot of places in lymington that are good to ride i go there basically every saturday on foot. loads of sidehops ect. down there not tht many gaps there though. lots of drop gaps ..rob..
  10. hey, me and andy ball are riding lymington this saturday so does anyone want to join??? meet 11ish lymington station ..rob..
  11. bb7 180mm rotor all they way there so bitey its unbeliveable hope i was some help ..rob..
  12. hello , has anyone riden lymington or know someone who does/has? and also would anyone be up for riding there this saturday with me and posibly mr andy ball? i regually go there on foot so know most good riding spots. i thought it would make a change and its a place where good riders would get alot of atention from the public but not pcso's as they dont exist down there YAY! lmao ive never thought of riding there before so yh. cheers ..rob..
  13. definatly up for tht i should be able to get a few people to come too. maybe you could try and get in contact with the tv crew get them to come?
  14. i would personally save up the extra and get a pair of coust pads
  15. hey people, ive got a whole bunch of clips that are quicktime and i want to get them into windows movie maker. ive tried going 'open with' then 'movie maker' but it just says there in the wrong format for the sofware. can someone pppplllleeeeaaaassssseeeee ..rob..
  16. go for a echo i reli want one. even better a ko ..rob..
  17. is anyone up for going to london this saturday. me and andy b were gonna go to reading but were reli up for london. we dont reli wanna ride on our own so company would be nice! thanks guys/girls ..rob..
  18. hey people, me and andy ball maybe some other eastleigh riders are all gonna head up to reading saturday so if anyone wants to join us feel free. drop me a comment here if u r just so i can get an idea if its worth heading up there or not. cheers guys / girls ..rob..
  19. yeah u can run it upside down. its also a good way of saving money if u can get the opisite lever on the cheap ..rob..
  20. i know for a fact thts a planet x frame thats been played about with. but its definatly a planet x no dought a bout it ..rob..
  21. koxx stuff rides reli nice but it dosent like the 'learning' part of trials. its pretty well known that koxx stuff is for natty so thats how it should stay. koxx rims are quite strong im thing about getting them myself if u ride a lot of street then get rid of it, unless u ride super super smoth hope this helped ..rob..
  22. the weight of the bike shouldnt make much difference. i went from a zona zip to a koxx xtp then back to the zona which is so much heavier but it reli doesnt make much difference untill u get to gaps ect. hope i was some help ..rob..
  23. the t-rex is most probs the heaviest bike on this planet so i woyuld say go for the woodstock and also it looks hell of alot better hope that was some help ..rob..
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