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Rob Brodie

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Everything posted by Rob Brodie

  1. as you said, 30 years ago nobody could of ever guessed what trials bikes or even the generation of todays 'tricks' were going to be like. Who knows. The next years are unpridictable and not only in the world of trials. I don't know why but I can imagine the next trials generation involving taps to backflips that might sound stupid but 30 years ago who would of guessed that we would be side hopping 62 inches? Good topic though I've always thought what trials would be like in a few years it will be anoying me all night now too lol Cheers ..rob..
  2. ive posted the same thing many of times before BUT please search for pad reveiws first! dont mean to have a go it was just a peice of freindly advice. but back to the topic 150% heatsink reds in the usuall cnc backings cheers ..rob..
  3. cant vote because im a NM im from southampton, eastleigh, hampshire. but anyway good idea for the poll ..rob..
  4. hey mate, before you go spending money take it all apart, take the caliper off the forks ect, take it completely to peices, give it a good clean out, make sure the pads are pushed right out with a screwdriver, give the lever a clean out, and give the rotor a good scrub in a sink of HOT water and then rebuild it. andy ball had the same problem so we took it apart and spent a good hour cleaning it out and after that it had never worked better few bottles didnt go a miss either hope i was some help ..rob..
  5. czar ivan definatly! i see way to many controls. i dont have anything against them, im just personaly very bored of seeing 50 of them at every ride i go to i havent seen 1 czar ivan yet though good luck choosing ..rob..
  6. Left foot for the win however spins, i spin to the right, it's also my strong side if that makes sense i do side drops ect to the right as well when i try to sorta get up a wall i have to flick my back up to the right. confused yet ? you will be soon ! sidehops (when i can do them) will be to the right 180 endos to the left. and staticing also to the right i do basically everything a different way ..rob..
  7. your probably really really confused (i am) heres a website with some info that wil probably help www.ashtonbikes.com hope i helped ..rob..
  8. Monty eagle claws there basicaly creepy crawlers but have twice the life and cheaper than any other 'decent tyres' dont go for echos - there identical to sticky fingers just a different compound in the middle. they even have the same patterns and moulds on the sidewalls. not only that they are sooooo heavy. i know people are gonna disagree with me but u can all carry on cheers ..rob..
  9. Find a someone who is a tad better then you...its better to learn off someone like you rather than someone who is completely different. also they will know how to learn things 'fresher' in there mind hope that makes some sort or sense ..rob..
  10. The only thing i really found wrong with my V8's is the pins fall out ALL the time. but i brought some 'pimp my pedals' which have more pins in them pimp my pedal kits are designed for v12's so you can really only use the pins in the kit so yh hope that i was some help ..rob..
  11. hey i would personaly go mod (20") i think its a much better bike to start on IN MY OPINION thats what i done and hopefully when i get good i will go stock as well but really what you prefer. stock (26") tends to focus more on tapping or rear wheeling stuff i think but anyway good luck with it all ..rob..
  12. someone really needs to make a trials mag... every other 'bike sport' has on would be amazing to have a trials mag just for bike trials. someone on here should make one...ud probs get a fair bit of money from it ..rob..
  13. hey welcome to the forum and welcome back to trials the only thing that im going to ask of you is to read the guidelines and please, dont make topics about why your not gettin validated yet, because they dont help at all. but yh enjoy yourself ..rob..
  14. i listen to pretty much anything. i find its got to have some sort of beat. when im out on the old bike ride i seem to find that i can ride much much further with music than i can without. dont ask how that works ..rob..
  15. add me on msn i used to have one cheers ..rob..
  16. i really like your style. its like every different style packed into one! thats some crazy poo poo on tht wall yh keep it up mate ..rob..
  17. theres been alot of 'my sexy ko''s being added onto the forum... ....well this is THE sexy ko... sorry about the quality of the photo it was taken on my phone. il upload some much better quality ones very soon watch this space ...rob..
  18. come on guys there must be one photo out there! bumpage!
  19. oh well neway back to the topic does neone have ne pics? ..rob..
  20. hey , soz bout tht guys the net packed up i was the guy on the very very sexy ko yes and andy was the guy who started on the gaurdy bloke good old andy sorry again bout tht kennard and dave i have no probs with u at all mate. if u get a bike il come up to winch and ride with you if u want? if u want il put tht vid together?! what happened at 'the drop gap' we missed tht ..rob..
  21. hey guys, just wondering if anyone has any pictures from the reading ride yesturday. i saw a few photographers and i reli enjoyed the ride so id thought its worth a go! oh and just a quick sorry about leaving ash in reading we lost you after the sesh in the town on those rocks! cheers ..rob..
  22. hey ash, sorry bout leaving u today we lost u after those rocks. we all had no cred 2. sorry mate. see you sunday(soton)?


  23. hey guys, found this quite funny so i thought id post. hopefully it will lighten up ur day cheers ..rob..
  24. sorry mate but i just thought ur FREINDS would of liked to know. and in all fairness mate i was worried that something may of happened! which it sorta did and i hope u get everything sorted out soon! gd ur back though.
  25. hey peeps, just thought i let u no that dave anscobe hasnt gone to spain! i saw him yeturday at eastleigh station when i was in the car dave if u read this let me know whats goin on mate ..rob..
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