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Rob Brodie

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Everything posted by Rob Brodie

  1. the down tube is out of the way too very nice. go for it chris there cheap as chips ..rob.. p.s. what frame is this ?
  2. let us know dan, could i put a pre-order in as i need a new rim. id be more than happy to put a review up too, im not hell of a rider but i could tell you what its like cheers ..rob..
  3. hey guys, got my new hope disc the other day and I've just come to fitting it when i realized i don't know which way its got to go on. if you are stood on the disc side should the 'spokes' on the disc go clockwise or anticlockwise? cheers ..rob..
  4. make them in highly polished silver too, like your ko, I've got one and i think it will look mint with chrome/polished rims too. and another suggestion for the rims is make the sidewalls SOLID and thicker than usual so they can hold more grinds but do that without making the sidewalls out of cheese so they would hold a grind like a beast! do this and you've got one hell of a rim ..rob..
  5. Rob Brodie


    are those hubs not poo? ..rob..
  6. would love too but i have to go out for a meal with the family MIGHT be out saturday doubt it though have a goodun ..rob.. p.s. i think andy b will be out, maybe with a few of the eastleigh crew
  7. Rob Brodie

    Zhi Z2

    whats going on with the tensioner? very very nice though ..rob..
  8. will soon maybe tonight or tomz night really enjoyed that ride. was a goodun cheers guys ..rob..
  9. oh my god THAT PLACE LOOKS MADE FOR TRIALS! sick riding and pics ..rob..
  10. knew that was testing you. i don't know my riders added you on msn ..rob..
  11. is he as much of a rider as he is a drinker?
  12. get the train at 10.40 7:00am start for me and andy ohhhhh sad to here it ..rob..
  13. if we dont go to the rocks i will personally go with you watch out for what? see you there ..rob..
  14. yeah i also forgot to add its all about technique too. when i first started i brought Ryan Leeches - art of trials, and i found it very very very very very very very very useful, i cant begin to say how much it is worth your money. its available from halfords for the amazing price of £15.99 ..rob..
  15. I've been using the gym at school for last few weeks. once a week for a 2 hour sesh. I've found it very very helpful i can ride for longer now and can actually fling my bike over stuff. if you want any tips ect on weights ect let me know ..rob..
  16. come anyway. is there anything i can help you with to get it working? anyone else attending? ..rob..
  17. twats arent they. one of my mates said "oh look at that bike over there its not locked up I'm having it", and i said to him "people work to get money, they have the money to get them selfs stuff, if you don't have the money to get yourself something then you dont steal it. its not big and its not clever". he told me to f**k off so i did straight after i floored him in one(brapped him i did ). note to self THAT HURT was a very nice punch though. Anywhoo that is G-A-Y. don't blame you being so pissed off ..rob..
  18. will u still be riding soton? c you tomz random guy of the train ..rob..
  19. is that the 10:18 from eastleigh of chandlers ford?
  20. :$ was testing you will be there to alex... what time at the station ? let me know asap ..rob..
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