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Everything posted by sexymike

  1. Bromley bike sell all the bits, they are the importer too.
  2. yes they are all the same, cheap poo
  3. koxx viz......... Davetrials.
  4. Me sexymike matty and rossi are riding balckburn tmoz nite about 7 whos cumming post back here. Love davetrials.
  5. 3some :-" :lol:" (Y)"
  6. i wont lie i actually couldnt belive it wen i saw JTM goin to ride rocks, outside liverpool (Y)
  7. i doubt it he rides master not expert this yr (Nick rides Expert) and his best result to date is 5th (im not a geek, i asked him yesterday)
  8. sexymike

    Fort Bill

    EY up f**kin awsome weekend plenty of good ridin done thanx to all observers, and watson for chaning up to inter, wahey! enjoyed it, well done all except ali C poured milk all over my car (Y)
  9. ye sure koolio lads ill ring jay when were on the way. davetrials
  10. Me and davetrials should be riding blackpool tmoz anybody fancy cuming?
  11. well done ben! Giles (and the rest of thems silly boys) ride elite/master (or equivilant) rather than junior, as he is too young, Sigh and to think he could have Biu champion to his name aswell
  12. very niiiiiice where is alex's helmet?????
  13. count me IN Expert this time, ahem :)"
  14. do you do comps or something? i just recoginse the name this d/l is goin sooo slow UPDATE Done now, good vid, nice to see will with some BALLS
  15. bloody ell we are busy! well done, d.l.now
  16. Aye tis true, we are setting off early Friday morning, hopefully get there mid-afternoon Will be great, time to get wasted nite before the comp were is anyone staying?
  17. yer its pretty hard set speak to Mr Fred Savage, but i herd he was just about ok with tuesday (the day after) worth a go!
  18. Abusive? i thought he was just saying 'hello'? GWS
  19. sigh, we went preston with the cultiv8ers, (bar Rossi and Cap - Fags) was a good ride, saw phil and stan nearly kill em selves, not too far off it myself. (Y)
  20. top vid there, really wished i went :huh: Next yr!
  21. ben what the hell are you goin to do with a stock, put that thing away! ne ways, me and dildo sud be there, if its dry (sun my arse)
  22. its what you get from shagging chickens will?
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