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Everything posted by sexymike

  1. Most people dont actually know what they want 1090 370 71 +20
  2. is anyone ridin sat at all then?? will fagged out
  3. i spoke to william, sat at the baye and rhos? afternooon u seee
  4. www.natasha-thomas.de yes, she sings and acts, if its acting
  5. that was a koenigsegg they are both designed to go round a track, quickly 1 with tax, 1 with no tax
  6. speak to MBUK MBUK - Contact Us Page! Paul Smith told me about a Hammertie product which He had used, i also did it on a phatso and it looked really cool.
  7. kin ell Good find, the vid explains how they make the blocks, trouble is, it doesnt show any sculpting, literally how they make a big block of snow only :S
  8. Please, PLEASE dont do this to a HIFI, its like execution Plus, to get the headtube right will take a wory of art If u pull it off it Cud look well but such a shame to one of the nicest looking frames on the market
  9. how did he find out :S:S
  10. it WILL snap u WILL brake ur self it WILL be funny i WILL laugh u WONT sorry yes yes that be the TI one
  11. u use silly black pads on silly smooth rims i dont know
  12. sexymike

    Glasseye Dvd

    i have a different MSN than that
  13. Give this guy a hug........and a kiss I wanted it, but i was at work, so dave did it for me!! aint he nice? orderd from CRC now
  14. dont forget, magura DO NOT sell bleed kits anymore, just service kits
  15. From me.............yay lol im only jokin
  16. already thought of that, WILL be selling them through my shop when it opens, looks like i will be selling them a little bit cheaper that u now.........lol
  17. i not dloaded it, but im sure its the 1 where he blows it up and yes, he aint 14
  18. CJ took it, off my cam, i thought u new ne mind gay
  19. boo! we went to the NEC showing and all it had was that mountain border dude, no trials :P ne mind
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