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Everything posted by sexymike

  1. 1) not too sure not used an 06 2)it is, go for a zoo though if u like to keep the brand name going see Here 3)short i would say, preferance really - try different peoples bikes 4)fattys hey, still alive? people are liking zoo's at the min, althought they are had to get hold off, i love my echo's
  2. sexymike

    New Frame

    bloody ell its the same rear end as a leeson, well dropouts and hanger, which are patented. did u buy them off clive?
  3. sexymike

    James Porter

    he is currently in southport with phil and matt
  4. yaabaa was old koxx's restickerd as a new brand, this one, i feel, wasnot was lookin at it the other day www.worldofk.com World of koxx
  5. we cant all be as Sexy as u, stu!
  6. boo to u ali u copy cat (althought i know u aint seen mine) i have bin runnin exactly the same thing for about 1 year!
  7. go stu! I Found this pic on Sheldonbrown - Article
  8. sexymike

    Koxx Days

    shut up you haha only kidding, its a bit of a rip, ass
  9. And also, each sub or speaker to be fair requires a different enclosure dependant on its output and frequency range i had a program that u input all the details and gives u an Exact measurements to make the perfect box for it, including how long the port's should be Sorry couldnt quote in an edit i dont like the sound of that, i heard mongs in his car it was nice but u miss a lot of mid range with that u do get crystal clear sound and big bass but for heavy guitar sequences u miss the feel go for some 8'' subs aswell Or some Vibe QB69's, they r the shizzle
  10. A reason for what? the spelling? if so, the Majic is because the work well = i.e. like magic, but we changed the name because it has MaJiC in it from MJCycles, the first 3 letters.
  11. what you have is left and right (Stereo) but only 1 channel, now i would imagine u should either have 2 sets in wire for or 1 set in a jack form u should either get a graphic equaliser (sp) and split the audio into seperate Hz and send the high freuencys to one amp and low to another OR get one amp with a bypass and send one set of frequency's to the amp its using and the rest to another the cheapest is the set up without the eaquiliser, it is easy and quick and best bet is to get a 4 channel amp which does the lot, it has left and right in a range of frequencys and u can send low to anything u want and high to anything u want, so low to a subm high to a set of 6*9's i had an american legacy cheap thing which ran a sub and 6*9's, very cost effective let us no if u need more help
  12. cheeky sod, u should of said, Expert or elite? ha
  13. sexymike

    My Pashley

    so f in cute! almost as cute as u kenny a bag of sweets...........
  14. lee.....tut i think ash is a nice guy, not known him that long he seems cool
  15. amen i have had some small arguments with nick before, i wished him all the best and well done on taking/passing his driving test, i think he thought i was joking.
  16. i wana know what trials dave is gona do, mainly because his bird is sooo hot LOL
  17. sexymike


    Jesus Angel Flange
  18. sorry to spoil it for u but they do, not stupidly well but they do Speak to rowan johns, he used to use (still may do) black pads on a smooth rim, no tar, and it worked seriously well lol i doubt it worked in anyform of water though
  19. go for the A lol i no i dont sponsor him, I SPONSOR......... lol
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