i seriously cant belive u have a pic already, u got home about 1 hour ago (12ish) Kris, its a shiny band u wrap around arms n stuff, they snap around when u hit em shinny
was quite a big thing it was in pairs, 1 mod 1 stock i no phil rode with tunni, phil had the mod ofcourse i seen the vid at butlers, its alrite is that, worth it i would say!
it could be bacause u may have bent your tension arm (the bet the cable attaches to) and that rubs and sticks to the body of the caliper done that before.
Well then yer that took a while, was interesting choosing all the people. I Have chosen the following people because i feel they can help 'develop' the pad, which is what its all about Can the following people PM me their adress so i can send them a pair: TomNewbold Derf Terror-error SpaceMunkee Joe_Elding Ogre Charel Fat-White-Boy Trialsinchris Trialsboy560 Todge yoyoyo James_porter Leedstrials SamHolmes Jake1516 I would like to thank Everyone for their help with this and their interest in our development. Mike
YES! bin out in warrington and went to party beforehand with free alchomahol so i'm a tad drunk!! what do you expect if u give out free booze! mikes collapsed in bed n the pc just happend to be on, thank u fatmike for sending me the link to this topic so i can talk shit t oevery1. oh my god its light outside woo! and the birds are singing. anywho, off to bed i gotta get up in a few hours. off to wales "today".
Beasty Day, Burnt a lot though good fun was had by all - Matt sidehopped too big, as did most gays, Dave twa**ed some dude in the face with a nurf ball Mint oh ye, Boo to advertising
Cap - Plazmatic Matt Arkwright - *the new MJ pad in testing - you will have seen the post in chit chat* Tom Buck - Majic Mike Carlin - Majic Dave Harding - Majic Kyle Hinchcliffe - *the new MJ pad in testing - you will have seen the post in chit chat* Just because i know, before people start arguing about me advertising <<<<<