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Everything posted by sexymike

  1. Does this event have Anything to do with the Official governing body for BIU Comps in the UK or in any way related to the Worlds pointing system?
  2. i think thats the only problem, the grub screws on the one i used WILL fall out it i dont no weather its the same on all of them oh that and the fact deng bled it with air. davetrials.
  3. AFTER USN ONE xi can safley say there are very wroth it ill try and explain tmoz qwen im a bit moe sober but they do rinse maggies the tpa for example rocks maggies tits off the placent of the hose is mint no more snapping howeses lovbe daverteiaLAS DRUNK SORRY WEL IM NOT LOL BUT WEERM cat in ahate lameo
  5. sexymike

    Koxx Camp 07

    I will get smashed with you! just a week late
  6. sexymike

    Koxx Camp 07

    im wet there gonna shoot us as well.
  7. sexymike

    Koxx Camp 07

    koxx riders have special tryall tires. i plan on out tapping kenny again. love davetrials
  8. Anyone going on the 27th, love davetrials
  9. Im not personally offended at all, just looked like u made this Nice site which u didnt completely make See you @ rampworx Every wednesday nite
  10. nice pics there my dear, i am goin to miss you in koxx days! xx
  11. Im going, Not riding though, just going for the days, then off to paris and Disney land! Woot
  12. sexymike

    Koxx Days

    tut tut, dissapointed tic, no Massive wang for you this year
  13. haha, i do hope not, also, i thought u were dead! i heard joe b is gay
  14. im wet nearly a year later too
  15. Im a little bit hazey Just how much of the axle sits inside the frame, i will assume none as the aluminium looks about 8mm wide. This seems like its spaced the wheel over to the right and left no axle to sit into the frame, ok with a king or a pro 2 i guess, cant forsee there being either on this bike.
  16. Gay Most extra gay too I sorted me self out now! Im sure u will find someone stupid enough! xxxxx
  17. It was a good video, i think it made him look better than he was.
  18. Ooooooooh dear matthew, what ever will we do with you? You simply have to go, The Chai Too (Echo bike) x
  19. I dont know who is anyone is taking their G.F. to Koxx days but me and my mate are, should be a laugh but it would be nice to know if any one else is, Also, no, u cant have a go
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