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Everything posted by Johno85

  1. Slowly but surely. Pretty sad huh?
  2. Because there's so bloody many of them! All sheep, the lot of them.
  3. Now that's the best thing i have heard all day Right on!
  4. Thanks to all who replayed. Sharp brakes it is.
  5. Hey all, When you pull the brake lever, do you have it so it goe's all the way in or so it only move a little bit? And which way is better? thanks. Johno.
  6. Then it's done.GU it is!! Thank you to all of you helping me!, I shall tell you when I get it. Thanks again!! Johno ( I'm 5ft 10) Thank you mate, I'll take that on board I'll look out for one.
  7. It really it strongly going to The GU or the Monty, after much thinking being at work and all. Now: Which one to choose? I'm liking what Mr Koxx said about The GU being in the mid range Hmmmmm?
  8. Very true. I want a bike that will last, something strong and won't break so much on me. one with a bash guard, i know a short one will be better at hopping etc,(the Monty) and a long one will be better at hook ups and such. (Zoo!) I want a bike that will hop up real easy and easy to ride. hopefully that will shine some light on that. Also, i'm not really bothered how it looks.
  9. Hello all, Before I go to Canada tomorrow, i've looked at all the sites and everything, getting the info and thinking about it. I can save up and afford any of these, when I come back. I can't decide out of: Monty (Pr or Ti) Gu Typhoon (long) Zoo! Python (long) (Four sorry) Echo Lite (one size) Sorry to ask, but in full can anyone help me which this one? Also i don't have a clue how to bleed brakes etc. They all sound very good, but I can't choose one. Please help. Johno.
  10. Hello all. Just to say, that in two days, I will no longer be in England for two weeks. I am going to Canada this Sunday leaving at 2pm. Now I know i have'nt been with this forum for very long but i have read nearly every topic and still learning how to become better at Trials. I was hopeing to take my bike to Canada, but no. Hopefully there will be something there about Trials and maybe meet someone doing it. So to everyone here at Trials-Forum: Take care, See you soon, And Thank you, for helping me in the short time I have been here. I know it's not at all much a topic but it's just to let you know, I will be busy there so i will not have time to come online. See you soon. Johno.
  11. Hopefully it should be drying up soon. It's like the tennis, Stop, Start, Stop, Start, Stop, Can't be bothered.
  12. Great bit of riding there Keep it up!
  13. Thanks Another thing... why long?
  14. I can't!! my body will not put on any more! Long or short sir?
  15. Hello all, I want to buy a mod when i come back from Canada as i leave for there in 12 days Yay!!! How I have the money it's just a case of which manufacturer To help, my height is 5' 10' (3/4) , my weight is 9st and a half. (I am a skinny git ) So any help would really be great, i'm not sure to half a short or long frame, long or short stem etc. Thanks a lot. Johno.
  16. Great bit of riding there, Must see.
  17. nah, i''l just let him know what you guys have said on here. He can be a dick sometimes, he can be one-minded. Each to there own as they say, That's true, no one should put any one down. Each to there own. Don't knock it till you've tired it.
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