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Everything posted by Johno85

  1. If I had the money....I would think about it 1st,....... but you never know.....
  2. Where are they?! How come Zoo! Don't come with bash/ski plates? Sorry, but it's real quick topic, and I was just wondering why. I'm going to bed now, Night night.
  3. Johno85


    I use a p*ss pot helmet, A Capix Opener.
  4. Johno85


    I've sent you a message but i might as well do it on here. I ride alone. And I own a Kona Shred..... Not really a trials bike but it's a start. Wanna get an Echo Lite soon.
  5. Johno85


    Well it doe's say to do it for about 10-20 mins a day. I think?
  6. Johno85


    What's it like? Class!! Get one!
  7. Johno85


    Hey guys just a quick topic, I found these I think these will really with your riding. http://www.powerballs.com/index.php
  8. I see, well, like everyone says, that should have not happened. To anyone. Yup, I am sensitive. But not a wimp.
  9. Hello all. Before I go to bed, I just want to ask this: Who was D.J? Aka, David Jones. I've seen the little bunny at the bottom of the screen. I know he used to do trials and was very popular. So who was he? And I'm so very sorry to ask. Thanks.
  10. ....Black it is. Holy Monkey!! That, is going to be my new Mod. Thanks Adam.
  11. Hmmmmm, Me thinking black or white?
  12. Your right. I'm sorry. What a waste of time. Sorry again. Close topic.
  13. I know, I know! But like I said, I really don't mind at all. I'm just asking.
  14. Hey everyone, Getting myself an Echo Lite soon, Problem is I can't decide which colour to get it in. I know there's personal preference to which colours you want but I really don't mind, AT ALL!! I know the frame is sliver, it's everything else. The colour choice is: Red, Blue, Green, Black, Gold,Sliver, Or White. So it's only a quick thing but if you guys help me out, would be great. Thanks for looking and happy riding.
  15. Yup. But only when I was 12 I didn't really care, it was crap anyway!
  16. I'm from Hastings, East Sussex. Wayyyyyyy down south. I ride a 2005 Kona Shred. Mod on it's way!
  17. Thanks guys, I just wanted to ask about it. Cos I wasn't to sure. Thanks again.
  18. Wait till you get it matey.
  19. Whoa!, Really good riding there mate!
  20. OK hang on, I didn't say they are starter bikes, I ASKED if they were.
  21. Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening All, Today while at work, I had I few thoughts about Mods. Now I know that they have small 20"/19" rims and no seat post/or a little one. But I kept thinking of was are they they training bikes? or something to start out on? You know, there's the stock bike, which is like a normal bike, only way lighter, no seat, rised stem and handlebars, that come with 26" rims or in some cases 24". Or course there's a difference, but I do ponder about every now and then about it. And there is personal preference of course of riding a mob or a stock, but i just wonder if a few people could shred some light on this. Thanky.
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