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Everything posted by BETAstu

  1. Thanks for the replies guys...all very helpfull. I THINK I will probably try and build my own bike, since I'm not in a hurry I can also spread the cost then by getting a bit at a time.
  2. HI all, I'm trying to get started in cycle trials..CHEAPLY. I've seen a few frames for sale fairly cheap, but I have no idea roughly what a bunch of second hand bits might cost to complete the build. Am I wasting my time thinking about that???...would it be best to just try and buy a complete bike?? any advice/ideas of rough prices would be very much appreciated. STU
  3. When i lived in Hong Kong the postal service was SO reasonable, it would have probably only cost about 30 quid to post it!!!....(although you'd have to break it down into bits. BUT...if Australian post is the same price as UK post it might be too expensive. Sorry...that probably wasnt very helpfull! Good luck!
  4. Mmm, thanks for the reply Grant...actually thats better than Id hoped for. Theres not many motorcycle trials riders here either...well, not ones that are serious about it at least! Of course, I might be really duff at cycle trials, but Id really like to give it a go, and I think it would really help my motorcycle trials skills too. STU
  5. Hi all, I usually ride motorcycle trials, but would like to do some cycyle trials as well. BUT...before splashing out on a bike I want to know if there is much cycle trials happening in my area?? ALSO..if I go out to buy a bike, I'd like to buy a second hand one, so if anyone roughly in my area has one for sale, please let me know. Thanks in advance for any info. STU
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