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Dan w

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Everything posted by Dan w

  1. Lol nice one mate. Keep it up try really chucking your body forward. tuck more:D keep it up . It would be so good off a drop:P
  2. Nice bike would you want to swap bars for some red echo bars.
  3. yeah my apologies read it through again it makes sense just first time of reading it sorry in the long run
  4. yeh but you can't get the freewheel off so i was just wondering if you wanted to buy one lol
  5. i have a red bash ring for sale:) adamant hardly been used
  6. Dan w

    Cbp Video

    WoW sweet where is this?
  7. nice vid man if thats just a warm up on that bike then can't wait to see the proper thing:D keep its up Dan
  8. Dan w

    France Shops

    Hey guys my mate ,parents and i are going to france in 3 weeks. I heard that theres very cheap trials stuff over there. firstly is this true and secondly where are these shops or warehouses. Thanks Dan
  9. Nice vid man loved the editing specially at the start:P loved the song to. great vid keep it up Dan
  10. Verrry nice. Good work Dan
  11. Dan w

    1090mm 20" Mod

    looks weak:P well done for doing it though
  12. Dan w

    Viz Hubs

    ffs. i knew they where gunnu be good just i wanted to know strength and how many other people have got them and stuff.dont call me a f**cking retard.
  13. Dan w

    Viz Hubs

    i've ordered it. its not here yet i was just wondering what past experiences other people have had. dont need to swear mate.
  14. Dan w

    Viz Hubs

    Hey just bought a red Viz hub fixed. Does anyone know if there any good? Cheers Dan
  15. nice bike mate but the saddle is rank sorry.
  16. Dan w


    Buckett:D nice vid ben awesome riding . And awesome car. see you soon:P
  17. no need to respond like that mate he was helping you. that wont get you anywhere.
  18. haha nice one man:P
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