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Everything posted by Mowgli

  1. Read the top before commenting, lol. That is why i said to download it.
  2. Heya, This video was made by Stuart Powney from the 1st March London ride. The video hasn't uploaded properly so to get the most out of it download it to watch it. London Ride Regards
  3. Scott, i have bad news, i am not gonna allow you to get round on a clean like at hut hill !! I personally am aiming to beat you (by getting more points that you!! lol). see you all there.
  4. Your best bet is to ring terry tomorrow and ask him what to do as it is down to him weather he will let you enter so late. ( terrys contact details are under the 'Contacts' page on the website.
  5. If you look on the HBTC site under pics and vids there is media there of all venues. This video is also on the site but linky makes it easier for you.
  6. Nice one nath, will be a good chance to see what level you are at in comparison to the different routes. Jack i will be hot on your tail (failing miserably at the beginning of each section) in red route!
  7. sadly it wont be a surprise for terry as he will have had to process entry forms and acu licenses. lol. sadly bbc is saying heavy rain for the poole area couldn't get as accurate as bransgore. So only time will tell but the ground will probably be wet whatever.
  8. cheers buddy, am gonna give reds a shot and see how i get on, what bout you?
  9. thats good, means you can make it as your only 10 mins down the road!!!
  10. Hey guys, Its the beginning of the season again! First round is Bransgore this year rather than hut hill, we can only hope for good weather the way it goes up and down at the moment. If you havent sent off your entry forms post them tomorrow at latest, if u fail that fill one out and bring it on the day. Hope to see the usual faces and some new ones. Regards
  11. nath, just minus 20 off the size of the disc and that will be the adapter you will need. (cant get a 183 adapter so will need to make your choice of 180 or 185, i have no experience in doing it with these odd sizes). the new Koxx forks are either +20 or +30 its the old ones that were only +30. i run the old ones (+30) using a bb7 with a 160 adapter on a mono trial 190 rotor.
  12. Sean russell got it on camera, will get him to facebook it or something. Totally awesome day, soo nakered by the time got home. Jack you get a gold star for your efforts! Some awesome riding going on all over the place. Regard (Grey Koxx Kenny Belaey frame with black parts)
  13. sadly missed 3:47, ten min delay to 3:57??
  14. nice one buddy, will be good to see you on pulling out all the stops at the weekend
  15. i am in the same situation, bring on working life.
  16. exams and half term etc are no excuse as it is a weekend, work can be booked off and revision can be done in advance. I may open up my garden for saturday eve for drinking and babequeing but wont be able to house anyone for the night. Sadly the garden is wood chippings so not suitable for tents.
  17. a prawn fixing a puncture twice then finally giving up and putting a really skiny tube in, lol.
  18. Videos Watched: 970 Videos Uploaded: 5 Video Views: 3,543
  19. all good, invest in a helmet though.
  20. excellent, i need a new bb and was looking at this one so now my problems are sold, BUT, do i buy the superstar one or the trialtech one?? quite a big price difference for the same thing?
  21. why did u not want the hydroxx any more? along with most of the 24's about looks fun to ride.
  22. i might be up for soton at the weekend, sadly my degree means i dont get half terms
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