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Everything posted by Mowgli

  1. apologies for the inconvenience, will no doubt get to barton or milford in the summer.
  2. At the HBTC comp today Terry Graves said there had been an article in the ECHO (for southampton area) with similar content.
  3. Heya, The pics that i took from the comp have been uploaded to the HBTC facebook group, linky below. I took 200 and didnt fancie sorting through them all, if you want copies the originals pm me with your email or something and will send them to you. HBTC Facebook group photos Regards
  4. awesome guys, bring a disposable bbq if you fancie it!
  5. Hello Fellow riders of the south. Myself along with the Powney brothers and Mr Anscombe will be venturing to the new forest way for a little bit of riding on Easter Sunday and bank holiday Monday. Sunday 12th we will be riding Barton-on-Sea (rocks o the beach). Monday 13th, Milford-on-Sea (rocks at far east end of beach). Feel free to join us, maybe a few locals will be up for a bounce! Regards
  6. remember u need an acu license too dave, but the comp is £9. if u can make it give terry a ring to see if he is ok with u riding on the day.
  7. as i am at uni in pompey there is never anything left on the reduced section because there are too many pikeys!
  8. hey guys, i hope the last of the entry forms have been sent off today! if not give terry a ring if you with to enter, his contact number is above ^.
  9. Mowgli

    Some Kid

    massive respect, hope he stays in it for years to come!
  10. the leg of the urbans is the same all the way down and the fatty's thin out nearer the dropout. i have some fatty's on my floor, this is my second set that i am holding onto as i stupidly sold my first set 4 yrs ago!
  11. Mowgli


    it is the beginning of light evening rides, bring on summer!
  12. yeah boy! am getting really excited already! any people returned from koxx days and want some summer buthiers fun?
  13. prob wont be out at eleven but me and stu are in. im gonna be on camera duties so if u want something filming i will do it.
  14. i love the fact that there is only going to be one trials rider and we bmx riders are discussing when to meet, lol
  15. he can come too! there will be 3 of us failing to ride big wheeled bikes.
  16. dont want to be rude, is this topic not in the wrong place, maybe could do with a move. Nice looking bike though, interesting for a 24". Love the colour.
  17. i am not going to come and stand around in the rain all day watching u guys ride when i should be doing project work anyway.
  18. i didnt even realise u ever rode, just assumed u were a forum basher and decided u liked it here so stayed and fill our many topics up with .......... ............ i'll stop there, lol
  19. Hey, Round two in just over a week, Sunday 5th April at Hut Hill in eastleigh. There is a map on the HBTC website (link in signature) if you dont know where to go. I will be making an appearance but not riding due to a recent accident (unless its raining). Regards
  20. i thought u were one of those homo's that only rode saturdays! if there is a crew i might steal domans camera and bmx it up with a dodgy leg!
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