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About tmks88

  • Birthday 05/16/1991

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  • MSN

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  • County (UK Only)
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  • Real Name
    Märt-Martin Märtson
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    BT6.0 long

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tmks88's Achievements

Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. i was suprised how easy I did that 3m gap, havent ridden that spot for few months and see such improvement always feels good https://youtu.be/CR_-0b8xk8c
  2. I think the 142cm world record is still standing? I managed to do it but couldnt do more on that day, next time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtGiEm8gUwc&feature=youtu.be
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyA4Y3EZDD0 the walls that were huge last year felt easy this year progress!!!
  4. riding some spots we used to ride very often 5+ years ago https://youtu.be/0Y0BSR4z0_o
  5. thanks! that spot is a trials school I started last year got some new kids into the sport
  6. Havent been riding as much as I used to but still did some ok moves power is good but techniques.....well they need improving https://youtu.be/dn9VsAAxR-w
  7. tmks88

    onza webpage

    thanks! sent them an email is Joe also on this forum?
  8. tmks88

    onza webpage

    even if its through the biggest bike shop in the country?
  9. We have started a trials school here and now theres a big demand for kids bikes onza is a good choice but I cant find their homepage anymore to order straight from them anyone know whats up with onza?
  10. I tend to be too stiff on the bike....I need to relax more, then I wouldnt get tired in a section too
  11. yeah it seems like i need to learn to relax on the bike thanks for the comments!
  12. some phone clips from one training session
  13. Its possible, I was in Parainen
  14. Just some leftover clips from 2013 that I have no use anymore filmed near my home plus some clips from France and Poland
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