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Ben Davies

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Ben Davies last won the day on April 25 2024

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About Ben Davies

  • Birthday 02/07/1982

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  • MSN

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  • Real Name
    Ben Davies
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    If it's retro then I'll probably buy it, look at it, hold it, post pictures of it then sell it
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Punk rock music, downhill and XC riding, Graphic Design, Retro (1995-1998) mountain bikes, Running
  • Location
    Salisbury, Wilts

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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. is there no such thing as a high roller super tacky dual ply 2.25 these days?
  2. Hi guys, I thought I'd share this with you, I have a massive passion for these old Pashley 26mhz's, I don't ride much these days being the ripe age of 37 and a family man with 2 nippers but when the opportunity came up to sort this beast out it was a no-brainer! I do like a project. It was originally blue, no dents or trials damage, some parts were ok, some a bit knackered, it was covered in cobwebs and dust when it arrived, I paid £200 for it initially via Retrobike.co.uk, big thanks to @Brettoll for the link up, cheers buddy! I've had it now for about 4 months and finally got it together now, I went for a full re-spray as the seat post was well and truly stuck and I had to go down the caustic soda method to melt the bugger out - it was emotional, took about 2 days! the original powder coat was removed by some potent chemical paint stripper I got off eBay for a tenner. proper job. It's a home rattle can job - I used spray.bike paint and its come out quite well, its not perfect but then I'm not a spray painter by trade, however, I am a graphic designer and made all the stickers myself, Ed Tongue very kindly sent me some he had which I traced and re-made! what a legend! I felt very privileged to have some chats with him via instagram, top bloke. My page is @trials_bikes_with_saddles if you want to scope out my other retro content. It arrived as a whole bike and the only things I have kept for the new build is, the headset (FSA pig), gear shifter (XT) the front wheel which is a 521 Ceramic on a shimano LX hub - This will be re-built onto a hope mono (I have this but haven't got round to it yet) I sold the back wheel on eBay for £60 (hope xc on 521) and swapped the HS33 yellow race line brakes with a pal for the Middleburn crank arms...yellow brakes don't go with an ivory frame. Just scored a retro MTB on eBay which I'm collecting next weekend which has a mint set of HS33 quicksilvers so they are going on the Pashley. It needs silver Azonic 2 inch PDW bars and I might change the saddle out but other than that I'm happy. Current spec: Frame and fork: Pashley 26mhz Headset: FSA PIG Stem: Azonic O.R.C Bars: Azonic DW Brakes: Avid - soon to be changed to Magura Quicksilver Grips: ODI longneck Shifter: XT Cassette: SORA 9 speed Mech: 105 Chain: KMC 9 speed Cranks: Middleburn RS7 with pro trials guard seatpost: not sure, a black one Saddle: Selle Italia SLR Back wheel: Hope hub on DX32 Back Tyre: Tioga FAT 66 Kevlar 2.3 Front wheel: D521 ceramic on Shimano LX - soon to be changed to hope mono I think that's about it, Cheers
  3. I do like a proper saddle on a trials bike! stunning! Can I nab these for my insta please? @trials_bikes_with_saddles
  4. haha just trying to beat the quote from the other place... I put £ not $
  5. See if Ashton will build you a justice for £2699
  6. wow! those bars are lovely, shame they are that annoying stem clamp size.
  7. ...or a 105 cassette and shifter? I have all these parts ready to go. @Ross McArthur has already made it perfectly clear that I have to fit the mech, even if it's just for some photos. And the photos need to be in good areas, no washing machines or shoes in the background
  8. This is on its way, 100mm, 5 degree.
  9. the black azonic bars in good condition were a bitch to track down, took me almost a year to get some that had a good rise and not been cut down, these are 2.5 rise, 710 wide. front brake has just arrived, going for a BB7 on a hope mount as I want the brake levers matching for now, I'll see how I get on with the V brake, I have a few maguras knocking about so it can always be changed at a later date, I do like the simplicity of a V though for getting the bike in and out the car. wheels will be pro 2 hubs in black (I already have these) and they are being laced to black DMR Dee Vee rims finished off with holy roller 2.4s. there will be no grinds on the rims either.
  10. Incredible find thanks to @Brettoll Saw it Saturday, ordered it after 2 minutes of discovering it - it arrived today. I was a teenage rider in the 90s and by the time I’d hit my 20s my love for Trials has fizzled out to a certain extent. I saw an MBUK article around 2003/4ish with Edd Tongue on one of these and thought, wow, that’s cool! Not too bothered about riding again, never got to own one. I started riding on and off again 8 years later, by this time they were near enough extinct and inspired had been born. I always thought, I wish I’d bought one of those back in the day... dreams can come true! build to follow, won’t take me too long as I have most the parts good to go. It will be mainly period correct. I’ll do my best! I’m almost 37 now, maybe this is a midlife crisis? Oh wait, no that’s the other 200 odd bikes I’ve had over the years! Hope you guys like it
  11. Yep, burgundy before, when I acquired it from @skuzzbucket it had had about 70% of the paint removed, I had it powder coated and those decals are official Pashley ones!
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