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Everything posted by samcooper182

  1. The rain is proper crap although it dont stop us!
  2. previous statement revoked after fear of sounding a little harsh!
  3. thanks all. Glad i made you laugh phill oh tom/j and tom jeffries why u have two accounts? and feel in necessary to be negative in both of them? ok say what you think by all means but dont do it under two different names. One wonders why u are yet to be validated? this by the way is not aimed at you phill. thanks sam
  4. Onza T-pro thaks for the comments. Yeh im not small like. soon enough i will be throwing it around like the rest of you.
  5. Hey. my first vid (sort of). comments warmly welcomed! As i said in the other post ive been riding 3 weeks. thanks samcooper182 My first vid
  6. Hi all im new to trials and wanted to say hello. have been riding for about 3 weeks and enjoying every moment. i ride with a couple of people on this site however, most of them are new but 1, Danny@criminaltrials.the video below is me just messing around in my street.nothing major, although comments are warmly welcomed. thanks samcooper182. i will post vid soon as you tube is being slow.
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