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Neil Tunnicliffe

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  1. If I stopped making the videos it would not make any difference. I dont get paid for releasing videos..
  2. Hi all First off, cheers for chap for posting this up ant got round to it! Some of you will be glad to no that I have retired that camera now and will be in HD ( if i decide todo another video ) As for camera Man(s) the guys i ride with are seriously insane....hahaha (if i decide to do another video) Yes Zoo_Video_41 could of been my last. Thanks for good comments, apriate it! Chillex n Ride.. :wink2: Yeah dude, that whole clip is with a flat front tire! so had to go easy.. haha
  3. Hi guys n gals, New video from me now on my website - NeilTunnicliffe.com Same sort of riding you would expect! Filmed through winter, all the clips I managed to gather together. ( Hate Winter) Take a peek.. Thanks, Neil T.
  4. Hi all! Sweet video from Ian Johnstone! Redbull street light sessions in Manchester, Link Below: Redbull Street Light Sessions Great weekend with Redbull and some of the top UK riders! Some crazy riding going down! Despite the weather that decided to rain constant all night Check the video, And thanks to Ian Johnstone for the filming and Editing! Enjoy.. Neil T.
  5. Cheers! Only just managed to check the post out! Thanks for the feedback! God a few ideas for the next one! Got a update soon with new photos, so be sure to check that on my web page. Neil.. (Y)
  6. Remind me who is this Danny Mac guy again? I heard he rides a bmx...

  7. Hi all, I wasn't going to bother with another video this year but decided to knock one up in a few weeks! Basically if you like gaps - gaps - gaps you should like this one. lol No HD stuff, not in less someone would like to buy me a good camera? Anyway go to my site to check the video - Neil Tunnicliffe.com Neil..
  8. Alright mate, I run 18-16 with NO half link chain. works great for me! Me and Damon have spoke about a video a number of times. Hopefully this year we could knock one up together i'm just a lazy fuxker at times haha. And as for video to short - its only the beginning Thanks for comments peeps much appreciated. Nezz
  9. Hi all, New Video - 'Cutting' I have made a small video with half decent riding in it.. Its a start now the weather is getting much better. New zoo! 20" bikes arrive end of the month along with 24" bikes, First images on my site soon.. Will upload video to a download link asap! Hope you enjoy, Video at - Neil Tunnicliffe . com Nezz. DOWNLOAD LINK NOW READY (NEXT TO YOUTUBE LINK)
  10. Neil Tunni, Adamant video 4. Massive stupid riding.
  11. Hi guys n gals - Weather's been pretty shite over the past few weeks! Lucky enough I can still get some riding done in a indoor place near by so thought I would whack some clips together and make a short video. I'm riding the new 2011 zoo frame and I love it so far! Video's on my web page - Neil Tunnicliffe's page Also bought a HD camera other day so next year will be a little better quality video's! Enjoy the video, if you don't - Bin it. lol Neil T
  12. Thanks for replys so far. The song is: resident evil sound track with the perfect circle mix. Sorry for the dirt on lense I should take more care really:) Been checking out some hd cameras so hopefully next one is in hd! Neil t,
  13. End bit was a demo I attended other week. so I involved the building lol. Yeah was short of gaps haha. Next one i'll have more a mixture. Thanks for comments so far mrT.
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