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Everything posted by dani_elprat@hotmail.com

  1. Hi people. I buy in trialmarkt.de the last?new gu typhoon 06' frame in the world! hehehehe that's the video: That's not a riding video Complete video coming soon! Sorry for the quality. Regards, Daniel.
  2. nice riding! I like the songs! names of the songs please!
  3. yo people, this is the firts vid of my friend makoki (the first vid in his Zoo! Python). POOTUBE: http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi6-Bd6eMQ0 Download: http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/ma...=Last+modified (filename: makoki_vid_1.wmv) All coments welcome. Daniel.
  4. Already it is solved, thanks to all for the comments Dann
  5. I do not deal on the topic of the BB, because of it he was asking all you. Sorry for mi bad traductor :$
  6. Hello friends! I have one monty 231Ti and the pedalier FSA Pro 124mm but it belong if I it will be able to put to my new Gu. I need rapid answers! Cheers, Dann
  7. started riding trials when I was about 15, now 16 lol
  8. Yo people, this is a vid from my m8 Raul Fernandez. Enjoy! Pootube: http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi35uwk7f84 All coments welcome! Dann.
  9. get a monty freewheel... good,nice,work correctly and cheap!
  10. Nice idea! hahaha But I Fact of less the 26" categorie. THX for the brilliant vids. Dann.
  11. Hi people, this is a little video from me in mi 20" megamo radical. 6 months ago of the video, I hope that you like!!! DL: http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=GO0W2NVQ6hA All coments welcome! Cheers, Dann
  12. For who? the members? I don't understand it... sorry sorry my bad english
  13. Hi! My name is Daniel Ramirez (Dann). I'm 16 year old. I live in Barcelona, Spain. I have got a Monty 231Ti but I change the frame for a Gu Typhoon 06'. (26"). I have been riding for about 1 year. In Barcelona (city) there are about 2 active trial riders(more bmx riders but only 2 active trials riders ). We like to film and ride my f**king BIKE! I want upload my videos and to share them with you. Sorry for my bad english!!! pic; Cheers, Daniel
  14. Hi people, today i'm buy a Gu Typhoon 06' 26" inches frame (1070mm). This is a good frame??? All coments welcome. Sorry for my bad english! Pic; Thanks, Dann
  15. I broke my rear monty rim f**king lighter rims! Thanks for the coments, Dann GU 08' coming Soon!
  16. I came to the kerb but I did not jump it. Sorry for the vid quality, take with Mobile Phone. Dann
  17. i have a Magura Louise 2004 model and brakes good! (With shimano XT lever)
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