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Everything posted by RossMcd

  1. Vegas 9 premier free trial which i redownload every month lol!
  2. Looks beast But wheres the limey??
  3. Its the same princible as it is for isis mate. You can always use a block of wood and a mallet to get it off. Will take a little time and brute force but it will come off eventually!
  4. the bashring slides on and the sprocket holds it in place
  5. I know someone who used to all the time lol! spent more time fixing his wheel than he did riding!
  6. Cant get better than the Golden wonder
  7. Nice!! Didnt expect you to get it soo quickly! Ill be wanting a shot next time I ride with you Hope you ride her well!
  8. Or you could strategically place a tapped hole so you can also run snail cams as an alternative
  9. That made me laugh lots! Yeah one of our main riding spots have been gated with a massive ten foot fence or some rediculus thing like that and it have been bulldozed flat. Yeah Im trying to ride as many different places as possible as i feel Inverness has nothing really for me to improve much Maybe a trials park needs to be built
  10. I have an echo rim on a dmr revolver hub (and monty freewheel) Ill sell you for 60 posted the rim has only had 1 light grind and is perfectly true
  11. thats hillarious! Isnt there for me lol! Thanks for the comments guys! glad you liked it
  12. The dropout actually looks really good well done! But is the screw just threaded into the little metal part that pushes the hub? may be better if that is one part. Like if it was the end of the actual bolt just a thought
  13. I had similar tentioners on my Mongoose and they were very hard to turn and adjust. have you got any closeups of the actual tpa bitty ad how do you find it for adjusting? Oh is that the mod frame btw?
  14. Have the spacing left at 116 so then people who run echo hubs or whatever dont have to wreck the bearings as the snailcams arnt in place. This happened to my echo hub as there were no snailcams and there were constant play on the bearings. also put little threaded holes for the use of snails as well as the tension system. Or possibly have one or the other so people have the choice in what they want to use I would also like to see or hear what you have planned for the tension system. Sounds interesting
  15. He can be a great rider and all that but who says he is a reliable sender? He may not send the frame to the next person in line. That would be my main consern if i was asking people to test a frame for me in a similar manner to this.
  16. Ermm... I dont think my pashley can get any brighter
  17. Why put a graffic on the chainstay? its gonna get scratched off when sidehopping etc. to be honest I dont like the colours. It there were two or three different colour schemes. And unusual colours too as thats what people want nowadays imo!
  18. People are selected to test the frame due the the reliability of sending stuff etc. And because he is still in NMC he hasnt proved himself yet.
  19. Usually I wouldnt say echo but here i will just due to the fact that the trialtech hub has unsealed bearings by the looks of it.
  20. hey! released this vid because I broke my camera which means im not gonna be getting much filming done Sorry about having too many clips on the rail too but i tried my best to get it good I think I have done a good job! Just need the forums oppinion on that Lets just say this is a teaser for whats to come in 09 from me Youtube also sorry about the quality but I had it low so I could upload it faster. It bearable I reckon. The next vid will be uploaded to vimeo in high quality though Also looking for a new sponsor for 2009 as trialsfutur doesnt seem to exist no more. Sorry if that sounds a bit cheeky lol! Lets see what you guys think
  21. RossMcd


    I liked it but the flashing at the start could give someone a fit! better not let my sister watch it the riding was pretty relaxed there but the sidehops are getting big
  22. Yess! been waiting for the dates for these! Ill deffo be riding fort william! And hopefully ill do better aswell
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