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RossMcd last won the day on August 28 2024

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About RossMcd

  • Birthday 09/09/1992

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    Ross McDonald
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    Ermm.. lets me see?

    Have a guess ;)
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Trials Elite

Trials Elite (6/9)



  1. Bike has now been found and returned to its rightful owner! Stupid idiot didnt know what to do with it and has been hiding it in his house since he stole it... Willingly handed it over after a wee knock on the door...|
  2. Hey guys, a friend of mine has just had his trials bike stolen from work. It’s a 2022-23 model Crewkers Jelousy full build 26inch. It was stolen around the city centre area in Inverness. If you see it posted online anywhere or have any info on its whereabouts, please contact myself or the police asap so we can have it returned to its rightful owner. Scumbag pictured above, we found you! Stupid idiot didnt know what to do with it and has been hiding it in his house since he stole it... Willingly handed it over after a wee knock on the door...| Least it is now back in the hands of its rightful owner!
  3. Bit of a major bump but this post is just pure nostalgia for me! Any ideas where this frame could be these days? I would be interested in re-obtaining it somehow!
  4. Sounds good man! Hit me up closer to the time and I’ll see if I can make myself avail! I’m ten mins from the pump track so any time you find yourself there too I’ll be sure to join!
  5. Well... After my broken foot incident... I'm now really pushing hard to get back to where i was! Short vid from this evening below:
  6. So... Just as i was just getting back into the swing of things... I go and break my foot!! Got it on film too... So here you go! for your viewing pleasure! RossMcd
  7. Just gonna drop this here... Full video coming soon... ETA: No idea... Its good to be back! RossMcd
  8. That paint job is something else! Love it!
  9. Its true what they say you know… You never forget how to ride a bike…
  10. Ah nice one dude! You mist have stopped roughly the same time as I did. Never too late to get back into it I guess! Absolutely loving the way this bike rides. Super flicky and light!
  11. Hello everyone! Im back! Long time no see! I haven't touched a trials bike in over 10 years now... And yet here we are, just turned 30, a deal has been struck and I, after 10 long years out the game, will be returning to the glorious world of trials! Picking this beaut up tomorrow... Dead excited to finally set foot on one of these bad boys again! Will severely need to derust the old bones I think! So how many of you guys are still out there riding the old two wheeled pogo sticks? Its looking like a completely different scene to what it was like 10 years ago. Whats the story these days? What is everyone getting up to? Just being back on this site is like a nostalgia overload... ahah! Would be great to hear from you all once again and maybe organise a meetup sometime soon! EDIT: It’s here! Surprised how quickly it’s coming back! After about an hour out my body is in bits but god it was good fun! Who knows, maybe I’ll get the camera out next time… ✌️ RossMcd
  12. Hey guys! Haven't been here in a while. Got a question for y'all. Im looking to install Windows 7 on my old macbook pro running Yosemite. Because Yosemite just hogs disk space! Only problem is, I only own an 8gb SD card. I know how to manually create a bootable USB/SD Card via Terminal. But when it comes to using Boot Camp and going through the process, it only allows me to use USB and not the SD Card. Does anyone have any solution or workaround? I don't want to be running OS X at all.
  13. Wow... I have no words for what i just watched.
  14. you've got potential dude. keep it up! And don't quit like i did! biggest mistake ever.
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