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aaron chase

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About aaron chase

  • Birthday 05/10/1989

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  • MSN

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  • Real Name
    aaron levy
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  • Location
    Sabadell "BARCELONA" [SPAIN]

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. Videos of the anual regional competition of Osona: Osona's Cup (Copa Osona Trial) in Catalonia (Spain). Shooted and edited by me for trialsport.es. Enjoy! Copa Osona Trial 2012 #1 Taradell https://vimeo.com/37964877 Copa Osona Trial 2012 #2 Folgueroles https://vimeo.com/38018062 Copa Osona Trial 2012 #3 Roda-Masies https://vimeo.com/38860692 Copa Osona Trial 2012 #4 Tona https://vimeo.com/40813411 Copa Osona Trial 2012 #5 St. Julià de Vilatorta https://vimeo.com/42255272 Copa Osona Trial 2012 #6 Calldetenes https://vimeo.com/44878222 ___________________ http://www.triaslport.es http://www.videobcn.com ____________________
  2. i spend a great time with all of you! hope to see you again soon guys!
  3. Here is the first show of dani comas with the new monty m5 carbone prototype. show location in Salamanca, Sapin. enjoy. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.285936178090074.86753.100000210822179
  4. massive russian riding. amazing konstantin! only in russia can find out abandoned cars on the street! big spots
  5. As every year, i've got the pleasure to present to you the videos of trialsport about copa osona, a local competition with great riders but, such as joan figueras, gerard aguilar, eloi paré, andreu miró and much more. So here it is the 2011 edition of this competition, filmed for me with a dslr camera. I hope you enjoy this stuff. no money is charged for comment this post, so feel free 06/02/2011 #1 Taradell 27/02/2011 #2 Roda de Ter - Masies de Roda 20/03/2011 #3 Folgueroles 10/04/2011 #4 Sant Julià de Vilatorta 15/05/2011 #5 Tona 12/06/2011 #6 Calldetenes
  6. benito power! gaps like never seen before! awesome!
  7. aaron chase

    Nice Gif

    http://www.vayagif.com/gif/14701 nice biketrials show just for share
  8. good shooting! really liked!
  9. riders: Joan Figueras, Rafa Tibau Roura, Alex von Arend, David Pastorino, Guillem Mauri Galí filmed with: canon eos7d 18-135 f.3.5 + manfrotto 190xb/501 HDV
  10. just big. for the paople whose asking for the 24 bike, is a prototype from kynesis... monty frame bikes factory.
  11. sick! many months ago without seeing nothing similar! really good! added to my download files!
  12. great to ride with u again! what a beaast!! xd
  13. very good riding and an excelent rider aswell... with an improvable shooting. too much quality on unexperted hands.
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