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About stephenpoll_41

  • Birthday 02/01/1988

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    BT raven 4.0
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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. I'll be parking at mwiggi's, so game on should be a treat!
  2. Could be there as i've just built the bike back up, dont be expecting big things though! Update on here any info so I can plan ahead!
  3. Yeah that was the BA course, went to lincoln uni, was pretty ace definately a good course architecture
  4. Mt eden - still alive looks like a top place to ride!
  5. I use a hammer and a long socket extender, as said, gentle and move it around
  6. Thats nuts! Harry is my mates brother, he's f**king mental! Didnt know he'd done this though!
  7. That makes me want to break out 3ds max again, truely awesome. Hate to think how many hours went into that and then into the rendering of it
  8. From what i can work out through my rubbish language skills, 'here are some photos of training, i hope you like them' but dont count on it.. looking good chap, been riding long?
  9. morf suit pirate pimps and hoes james bond ancient greek s&m?
  10. I've finished my 3rd year studying architecture, still looking for work in an actual practice bit of my work if anyone fancies a gander!
  11. Well here goes, been riding about 4/5 months on trials now with a bit of a break over christmas due to rubbish weather. 2nd ride out this year so enjoy the gurns! and a few from the 1st ride out of the year failed tailwhip attempt, attempted only out of sheer curiousity. Not super exciting or as big as i can go but hopefully something better next time!
  12. quality ride out, more tonight? me thinks so!

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  13. Number 6 for me, tongue web!
  14. 1 ACBD 2 Funky irregular beat, could be used in a veriety of genres. Doesn't feel as repetative as the others. 3 Prefer complex rhythms as I prefer to be able to pick them out and distinguish from one to another, as i listen to quite a lot music with less complex leads 4 Yeah, guitar and occasionally piano and mainly dubstep/dnb and occasionally other music production 5 Dubstep
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