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Everything posted by JaMmY

  1. JaMmY

    My Bike Updated

    Liking it dude nice!
  2. Yep but its a change from some topics!! So keep your fav bike part comments coming!
  3. What frame is it and what make disc hub? because if there good then keep them!
  4. Just thought that theres a bike pictures thread. And people talk about there bikes. But nobody has Said what there favorite part of there bike is!? Pictures of it please. And why it is your favorite part! Mine is my frame. Just always wanted one. Monty 221pr. SO PLEASE TELL EVERYBODY WHAT YOUR FAVORITE PART OF YOUR BIKE IS AND WHY?!
  5. BeeeeeeeeF BeeeeeeF BeeeeF BeeF !!
  6. When the new login was on trials forum i couldnt log in for ages then the day i finally cracked it i found out i had got validated lol!
  7. Some great pics der ash, alex and glynn!! Loooosh!
  8. Loooosh! And have as much sex as you want with it! Well very nice!
  9. Wheres my leg pic alex?? Great pics by the way im defo investing in one of those cameras!! Nice ride!!
  10. Nice dude would look really good all black!!
  11. LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooSh!
  12. Its lush. Dont listen to willy wonka!
  13. which vid is it i cant find it!
  14. Yeh me and my mate matt will be there tomoz tuesday evening till our last trian!! We were there last time you came! I had the monty my mate had the onza t-pro! My number is 0777215558! Just if you need it! Thanks Jamie.
  15. Start on a mod as you can get the basics set and if you dont like it try a stock but if you do like it then stick to it.
  16. JaMmY

    My New Frame

    No just like '!!!' Is that such a big deal.
  17. JaMmY


    Can you copy and paste music into your library!!
  18. Na he defo sehs C**T! It sounds a bit like a football hooligan aswell lol!
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