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Everything posted by JaMmY

  1. Yes remember to put anti freeze in with the water.(50/50)approx. So your set for the winter.
  2. Would be good if there was a pic. As it is bike pictures lol
  3. I love the new GU frames. Have you got it in stock or mod?
  4. Get a rear black rim then it will be so looosh.
  5. Yeah great colours. dont like the frame. or rims(to bright).
  6. is it your monty or did u get that image off the internet?
  7. kwl dude i think i might have that effect on my phone. lol.
  8. My avid has black nossels instead of red Woop woop.
  9. JaMmY

    Helmets Ftw

    always wear your lid. looks dosent matter. safety does.
  10. good pics sketchy rail.
  11. Just dive forward and have plenty of balls.
  12. I will be a good thread i think.
  13. im not really an expert but try not to put your wheel over the pallets as you cant do that on higher walls.
  14. Are you sure its not just the mech hanger? As the photo still shows it to be just the mech hanger.
  15. So can i refill them with a coust or heatsink red compound refill? And how do you refill it? Ifi can. Thanks.
  16. Triple b foam grips. From local bike shop. There amazing.
  17. Great vid alex. i thought i reckonized the song? lol
  18. At least i got one matthew.lol. It was a great ride.
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