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Everything posted by JaMmY

  1. get a better specced second hand bike!
  2. great vid dude how long you been riding?
  3. do what adam fron tarty said send them back!
  4. heres a pic of my mate pengsmelly riding pics a bit shoddy but only one i got of riding none of me as dont let others use my camera lol!
  5. nice really streety love it!
  6. hey you said sunday i nearly had my hopes up!
  7. would love to ride in next 2 weeks getting new bike soon so should be good weekend will help!
  8. throw a couple stones at them if that dosent work then run at them........lol!
  9. re post but ouch message for kids out there wear a helmet!
  10. loving the vids senn about seven now and they have all been really good!
  11. looks so sexual i just love white bikes and parts!
  12. dis agree the white forks look so sexy with the black frame! better than silver i think!
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