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Everything posted by JaMmY

  1. Nice i liked all of it apart from The repeating and slow moes apart from that it was good!
  2. JaMmY


    Nice dude love it cant wait to get mine Spec?
  3. nice i like it but still is quite expensive for a helmet prefere the giro hex!
  4. nice they look super awesome but were to short!
  5. Well i dont have them (saving) lol but everybody i know that has them they say there amazing!!!!!
  6. hello dude i love old skool lol ryan leech woop woop!
  7. Im doubtful now as bike problems lol but should make plymouth or if lucky bristol!
  8. I think that you are all amazing!! hehe! lol
  9. That is fast and smooth and yep rides it all as if they were curbs!
  10. Loosh mate where abouts in cornwall were you riding?
  11. I think james should he is amazing! Tartybikes be on the look out
  12. Great video rich loved it natty rocks! Rain dosent but handled it all really well my brake wont last a minute in that weather!
  13. hopefully should still be able to come if i can get my bike sorted if not might just come to take some pics
  14. I liked them the veiw was prety good to!
  15. JaMmY

    Random Stuff

    That was an awesome vid porters line was sick joes interveiw was funny! great vid! loved it
  16. JaMmY

    Half Baked

    Loved it like the riding down the steps backwards!
  17. Dam that must of hurt but he handled it so well!
  18. yeah check tartybikes out my mate is thinking of gettinbg 24 inch aswell!
  19. Hehehe that is a really good vid how he can back hop and 360 those sort of bikes is crazy!
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