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Everything posted by JaMmY

  1. well bought some plaz pads and just want to take them out of there backings so i can put them into my cnc backing how do i do that? Easily?
  2. JaMmY

    Trials Game

    well my time was 37.53 not bad lol
  3. oh my god you still cant order them it just says coming soon!!! i need them so bad!!!! im onto the metal backings lol.
  4. Great video awesome riding i love extreme tank like riding that brake in the second vid sounded awesome sooooo tinny!!! Awesome rider/
  5. JaMmY

    I Am Legend

    I thought it was a good watch. Ending was bizarre as he could of got in that little cupboard with them and chucked the grenade out. But i suppose that it made it more of a powerful ending. but i didnt like her taking all the credit for his work that he did lol. shame about his dog got abit emotional when i saw that. Noooooooo not the dog!!!!!!! lol good watch. well worth the money. even know i have it on pirate lol.
  6. JaMmY

    Boon Travels To

    Wow and i thought my bails were bad but ouch! Guts for attempting that. And good job you was wearing a helmet!!!
  7. JaMmY


    Well police had a go at us just before christmas and took our bikes off us for one day because we had no lights so i have bought these really small but extremely bright led lights that are called frog lights which are rubber and just strap on ur handlebars. there kwl aswell as they dont get in ur way.
  8. I agree that its about technique aswell as strength because too of my mates are smaller and weaker than me but have good techniques and are able to sidhop bigger than me aswell lol! but they have been riding a tad longer.
  9. Well in my opininon i will say front v!!! but with your front wheel i would say disc! stick to what you ave leon at the mo!
  10. Thats a sick trick and he looked like he was going so slow also the other was mint very tech!!!
  11. Mostly liskeard, james is awesome always goes big and i dont know why he isnt sponcered lol!
  12. That was an awsome vid ben loved the beginning 'jebend' lol'd loved the track and some as joe b said some s**t hot moves there and liked the fixing bits haha. Cheers jammy!
  13. why put i pointless topic like this? and i doubt this would make billocks want to make one, yes they are good, but why dont you just wait.
  14. Mac this is a noob topic lol but um vans!
  15. I seen this before it went on tf The reason for to many siddys was because he had hit the 37- 38" mark! nice little vid...
  16. Loved it brilliant streety video loved the lines and the backward drops!
  17. Me and matt are goin looe so were most probs out!
  18. Whats the specs of the two?
  19. Well last ride of 2007 so better make it a good one so lots and lots of people should come. um How about 10:30-11:00am at Copthorn.
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