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Tribal Zone

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About Tribal Zone

  • Birthday 07/26/1977

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    Non UK
  • Real Name
    Jérôme RANDIER
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    trial, 2CV, mtb and f**k your mum
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Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. he rode there the sunday before (made the side hop in the last clip and at the trial of Buthiers in january, but they never ride these rocks
  2. hi guys, thank you for sharing here our video and for your comments! Canardweb, Kevin hardly ever ride on these rocks, he is from Orleans and trains mainly on the trial park of Mezieres near Orleans, tiny artificial place but well done with lot of technical rocks in the belaey style... and yes UCI # 5, made ​​his first world cup final last year, and this winter trained hard every day to become a "super elite" rider, stop his job, want to give the best of himself this season, and since a few months made a step forward in performance... awesome ... good for Vincent who is really happy to find a rival like him in his region... they trained a lot together on other spots of Bleau, never at Buthiers, they have other better rocks...
  3. here are the first vid of the tribal mascot Louis Grillon... awesome boy... enjoy !
  4. French Championship of Trial passed on TV this afternoon... we put the streaming on tribal zine...
  5. so sad... thoughts and condolences from tribal zine... ride in peace bro'...
  6. hi guys here is a first picture of the tractor... Rockman Tractor
  7. Hi guys, interview of Juanda de la Pena and pics of the new Kabra 24... coming soon in spanish and english... goats are sexy lol
  8. sexy modern skin... bravo !

  9. First pix of the new 2010 Rockman mod bikes : the Aurem III and the Manus, nice Aluminium U6 bikes lightest than ever ! Rockman Manus & Aurem III
  10. wow that is a great idea man ! well done !!! i will put a logo on tribalzine kinking to biketrials in the world as fast as i can !!!
  11. The french top rider Aurelien Fontenoy, double World Junior Champion in 2007, which made a great 2009 season with a fourth place in European Championship, sixth in World Championship and some good results in the World Cup, just left the Atomz team! He is now riding... for his brother, who is launching a new trials brand called Inpulse ! Aurélien is the N°1 of the new Inpulse Team, and will take part in the development of the Inpulse bikes. We give you more info on this new brand in the coming hours... We just made an interview of Cedric Fontenoy... first picture of the bike...
  12. The french streeter & showman Yohan Triboulat has released a new video... filmed during the Roc d'Azur 2009, one of the largest European mountain biking event which took place from 7th to 11th October 2009 in Frejus (south of France)... YT made some great shows with the Event-Performance team, riding a prototype of the new Ozonys 24... Yohan Triboulat au Roc d’Azur
  13. Hi everybody ! we have a dream but that is just a dream at this time... a big trials street ride in Paris one day and a big naturals street ride in Buthiers the following day... that would be something crazy, but that is something hard to organize, even if there will be no competition at buthiers... if we won't make it in 2010 we will make it in 2011 ! some of the best french riders might be there... hope some of the best uk streeters might come too ! Does Jack Meek will organize next year the biggest trials street ride? maybe we could make it in Paris and go to Buthiers after for a big naturals street ride... all of this is just ideas... don't know today if we can make it for real tomorrow !
  14. Hi everybody... K-124 Days won't take place at the paradise of Buthiers... It will take place at La Tour de Scay, in the east of France... Alain remy, the organiser of the event, wanna make it at home, and bigger than ever... La Tour de Scay is a great natural and artificial spot... many many rocks... the second round of the BIU Worlds Champs 2008 took place here... article about this revolution (only in french for the moment) is here... K-124 Days 2010 à La Tour de Sçay !
  15. you re not wrong... strange name
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