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Sam Jones

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Everything posted by Sam Jones

  1. Have a watch and tell me what you think please.
  2. it sounds to me that you sold him the bike in a working order, and as you said, it hadn't been used in a while so you should use a small amount of fuel to clear the engine out and get it going. As it was working when you sold it and he was happy with purchase, as long as you didn't use it after he saw it, its his fault no yours. there is nothing you have to do but something he should do!
  3. Hi, Just wondering if anyone on here watch the news yesterday (tuesday at 11:15 onwards) on ITV, BBC news 24 or any other channels with fred dinage? Cheers Sam
  4. ill come along to this if i get the parts i need by then
  5. I have been with my girlfriend now for 3 and a half years, our first time out together was actually a trip to Belgium in 6th form. so that was brilliant as we were walking around everywhere talking about everything that was there. when we came back from belgium (we were not going out yet) i asked her if she wanted to come round and chill, that she did, we played on the playstation, had a casual drink then watched a film together. It was brilliant, so relaxing, calm, peaceful and not to mention fun and a major laugh. Best thing that you can do is just have fun man. dont go all out and break the bank, just have some fun, do things that interest the both of you!
  6. One for you lot in the future if your interested in 3D, my firend is currently developing a control for a twin camera system (can be any DSLR or wireless cam) that allows you to record, genlock, and playback at the exact same time, it can also then layer the images for you to create the 3D.
  7. Hello forum, Is there anyone here who lives in London near the international broadcast centre? I have been given an opportunity to work at the IBC for a company called visions for the olympics. I have to either commute daily to london or find a place to stay from may 23rd to august 21st. I really want this work experience as this is the company i am hoping to work for when i finish university. Is there any place near the IBC that isnt pricey to rent/live in a room for 3 1/2 months or does someone have a room i can stay in, i would pay my way. cheers Sam
  8. Sam Jones

    Camera Mics

    if your looking at that sort of budget, go for it. its very difficult to find a noise reduction mic for less than £100 that is any good, Rhode make very good microphones and that one is a good little catch. id take it mate and use it. like you said, you don;t have a professional camera so why go for something completely over the top?
  9. Sam Jones


    Anyone on here working in the entertainment world as an audio engineer or comms enigineer? Cheers Sam
  10. simps i know that but they have had my account frozen over the summer too, but because its been frozen, it'll take them a while to process the money and then clear the account to use, in that time, i would have no money and be unable to live!
  11. yes but if i give them my money then how the hell am i supposed to live
  12. I asked them if my loan went in would my account be opened, they said it would take them 3 weeks to process the application. I depend on that loan and if i couldn't get it, i would have to leave uni, that's one thing i cant do. I am trying to pay money in to the account but its taking ages for it to be cleared due to the account being frozen. i'm wanting to just pay it off now and get rid of the account.
  13. dude, count yourself lucky, Natwest are the biggest pricks to me! I have a student account with them, one of the condition's is that my student loan has to go into that account. When i got the account, i had my loan put into it, but my card and account details were never given to me in the end. I had been given the details to SF on the day when i opened the account whilst st the branch. I didnt recieve my card until december and they then froze my account due to inacctivity. They wanted me to pay a charge of £100 for breaching my conditions. Since then i have switched the account my finanace goes into. Remainder of the problems; 1) Student account so i have an overdraft set up. i am now overdrawn and they have frozen the account once again until i can pay off the agreed overdraft. they have blocked the card so i cant actually go and put money into the account. i went in to talk to them and what they said was that its not there problem! 2) they want to charge me for not putting my loan into that account! 3) They are being the biggest A*****e's to me even though i have been into them to explain it all. 4) when i went in to report my card stolen (night out went really badly) they laughed at me for having no card anymore and not knowing my account details off by heart. They sent me a replacement card.... 4 months later, they sent me a letter saying they have some unusual payments with the new card. not me, someone had my card, blocked it and then another month later my new new card arrived. Account is frozen again! I am following everything they want except paying my loan into the account.
  14. that helps a lot, we have currently just bought a mac pro, 8 core etc... and only have pro tools 9 installed, i think the error is with the plug ins not being correctly installed. also, my boss decided to uninstall everything and ended up deleting the audio files so what i have recorded that was due to be sent to the company was deleted. the company i work for is called art4art, what we do is record voice overs for things like the Windows phones etc.... We have talent (voices) who speak nearly every language in the World. Also, which driver should i install to use a Saffire Pro 40, it runs via firewire?
  15. Sam Jones

    Pro Tools

    Doe anyone here use pro tools often? I am currently using Pro tools 9 and i keep on havin this error message show up; DAE error "-7401". Anyone know what it means? cheers Sam
  16. i have thought of that but the issue is that its been done before, i was going to do one that focuses on the start then have it build into the whole cave systems bit. to add suspense, i thought of using a heartbeat that gradually increased in speed throughout, then for the final shot, i was going to have it flat line and have the scene where she uses a flare, has a pick axe in hand and the creepy human thingy comes up behind her....
  17. Could people please name any Classical Hollywood films made between 1917 - 1960? As I'll need to use one in a presentation and I'm not familiar with the classics.
  18. Also, does anyone have any ideas on what i could do with them, can you please comment on why you would choose that one
  19. main issue though is that one trailer is filled with loads of the explodey shizzle!
  20. you had to be awkward didnt you, its fair enough, i left it like that cos people may say do either that one or that one so then people who cant decide between two can vote for both of them
  21. Hi all, for one of my topics at uni, I have to make a 2 and a half minute trailer! Now I'm stuck with which film to do, i have narrowed it down to these four films and would like a bit of help deciding. cheers Sam
  22. Thank you that has worked. cheers Cresswell_d
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