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  1. Just watch south park episode on black friday. season 17. It is super fun.
  2. I stayed in an ex cartel house turned backpackers hostel in Santa Marta, Colombia. The first night I had weird vibes, the place was huge but empty as it was low season. So i wandered through many rooms to reach the bathroom without seeing people. But it was super eery. My hairs were standing up and felt like I was being watched. Anyhoo the Ozzy did a tour of the place, usual Cartel stuff then at the end of the tour we got into the ghost stories. During the Cartel ownership a young girl died in the pool and nobody noticed as they were all drunk and merry. This girl has been seen on 3 separate accounts in the garage, in the white dress and dripping in water (pretty Grudge like eh, or whatever that film is). After the cartel ownership it was a hospital where experimental drugs were used, and most often it worsened the patients. So that night me and the Ozzy girl slept with the light on and did toilet trips in tandem. I woke at 4am and couldnt get back to sleep, but a good excuse to play clash of clans until sunrise. I checked out because of the stories too. Was a bit cowardice looking back, but at the time super scary. The hostel is Drop Bear in Santa Marta. Other than the ghost stories, it's a super nice hostel
  3. I'm full of these debates with my housemate. But they mainly involve 'would you blah blah, but only if your penis became a micro penis.' I wouldn't continue a passion if someone died.
  4. The thing I like about Facebook is you can use it to log into so many other things. Small rubbish things that shouldn't even need an account
  5. A van reversed into my parked Polo in a car park then drove off. An off duty policeman saw him and took down his details and left them on a note on my car.
  6. Having someone to talk to is good. Of course, pick a kind friend. They'll probably share other things about themselves too.
  7. Me, occasionally play CSS
  8. It's sorted, thanks for the help. I thought the top cap/plug was just to stop dust etc going down the steerer. However I know a star nut on alu/steel forks is to compress the headset, I never even thought the plug did the same job.
  9. I have a new bike with a standard threadless headset. The stem was too low however and I decided to change it. Though the riding position is better I now have a slight wobble in the forks. It's a carbon steerer and so doesn't have the star fangled nut. It's like it was assembled with compression. Any ideas what might cause this wobble?
  10. Getting my boardman tomorrow! Though I did have to tolerate the *thesaurus' polite version of retard* boneheads who work at Halfords. I spoke to them a few times and they couldn't understand that I wanted to know a little about the bike and how it rode before spending 950£! And after agreeing to buy it and getting a British Cycling membership, upon their advice, they said the deals dont stack. Idiots. Told them I wanted a Boardman but they were making it awkward for me to choose such a company to supply the bike so they pulled their finger out a little. Got the Boardman CX Team for £770ish. It's a shame such a good reviewed brand fell into the hands of some pinheads.
  11. Fear not, I've solved it with some excellent free software from Audacity.
  12. Perhaps the musicians of the guitar thread can help me. This is My Morning Jacket and the drum beat is so simple at a first listen. However you have 3 snares then 3 bass pedals, but this is completely independent timing to the high hat! How can I learn this? The hh is 116bpm and the snare/bass is about 178
  13. Yeah, I hate the etiquette
  14. Golf makes me so god damn f***in angry!! I take 3 or 4 balls off the tee and skim them up the fairway until it reaches the hole- replacing any/many which have been scurried into the rough. The frustrating thing is the pitch and wedge I can hit with great confidence. I would actually reach a hole quicker tee-ing off and continuing with a wedge.
  15. To me, an apprenticeship would be all hands on. Perhaps the company will pay you to go to college once a week. If you go through the office route think about doing a degree. I luckily hit on with the company I'm with. An office job for me involves design, CAD, calculation and boring stuff like writing procedures, quality assurance blah blah. Thankfully I can vacate my offices to the production side which I enjoy more and is a good chance to escape boring paper work.
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