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Everything posted by lewis.jackson

  1. It seems to suit you really well.
  2. Are Hayes disc brakes any good for trials because im looking for a front brake and im thinking of getting one and also what are formula brakes like.
  3. Yo bro that looks pimp with all the gold and i always wanted one but never got one.
  4. That is pimp as hell man.
  5. I dont know if i like it but thats just me.
  6. Yer i knew that but i just wanted some more info on him.
  7. Dose any one know what he is doing now a days because the last i heard he was doing some bmx comps. I just miss all the old school riders and he was one of my of my favorites.
  8. That dude is like a real fife spiderman wow
  9. Put my name down guys cus you know me and matt will be out to make the ride as dirty minded as we can
  10. I wanna ride there it looks soooo much fun.
  11. Dame stan is getting good now. That first pic looks sick.
  12. Shawshank redemptiorn and Kangaroo jack are the only 2 iv not seen. Still need more.
  13. Yer iv seen em and they are all good dvds
  14. I'm getting fed up with my dvds so whats good to watch and why?
  15. Yer that sounds hard to control. Its strange how so few comments made me feel like riding. Maybe i just wanted some attention ha ha
  16. Ok thats for all the help. Iv never thorght about trying with my other foor forward and i think i may try that to see what happens.
  17. Iv got board of manifesto, iv not got the funds to go to a ride event and i dont know when the next big p-town ride is going to be. Thanks for the help dude but i think i need to see some new vids and dont know what ones o watch.
  18. Lately iv been feeling a bit down and iv sort of lost my will to ride but i don't want to give it up as i love riding. I need some new inspiration and i want some help with that because i cant hind any now. What do you use for inspiration and what do you think will help me out?
  19. Never rode one but id say comp.
  20. Pure rubber (no diy) Do i get a set too pleeeeeeeeez
  21. Dude is you want to sell the ashton let me know first as iv wanted one for a long time.
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