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Everything posted by lewis.jackson

  1. Dont bother with anodizing you bolts just get some nail polish and paint them with that.
  2. Ha lil dude wecome to forum and keep up the trials
  3. Dude if you get one let me know what its like. Iknow its alot of cash but i think its a really good thing to try.
  4. Hell yer we all need a good bike shop and i think every bike shop should do good brands but even halfords bikehut are sh*t and dont have the stuff you want.
  5. So most of you have about 6 riders. Its cool to see trials is a big thing cus i think we all want it to get bigger. yer?
  6. If your gunna run a front freewheel watch out for your levis cus mine got ripped up in it when i had one. LOL. No not really funny
  7. So is trials a big this in your town or do you travel alot to ride. i live in peterborough and we have about 6 to 10 riders and i wud say its big ish but let me know about your town
  8. dont do it cus once you have you cant really go back
  9. you dudes rock. thanks for the help
  10. must just be my comp then man thanks
  11. Hay you lot what the hell has happened to trials forum you cant read the posts now and you have to click on a link or am i just getting it this way.
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