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Everything posted by lewis.jackson

  1. That's why its for pros only because you lot would snap the mech hanger
  2. I want a vid-6 as well YOU ROCK
  3. Yes i know that and dont worry about this thead anymore as iv found out how to do it on Easton website.
  4. Its not carbon wrap its full carbon.
  5. Do any of you know how to cut carbon bars cus i have a set of easton Monkeylite DH bars and i want to have smaller bars. I dont want to buy any new ones cus i love them and think they are the tits.
  6. I f-ing loved that show as a kid and still think its good to watch. I think that dark knight is still scary.
  7. I wasn't bumping it i was just looking round the old threads and i liked this bike. Whats wrong with it when others started to post. I cant be the only one that looks at old threads.
  8. The best ghetto leeson iv ever seen.
  9. OK thanks mate i get you now and f*ck me well done cus i don't think iv got the patients to do that (thumbs up)
  10. How the hell is that 2000 layers.
  11. Sorry if i sound like a cock but do you really ride for Leeson because i didn't think that Clive or Kris sponsored anyone. I hope this don't sound like I'm taking the piss or anything I'm just curious.
  12. Well id like a better front brake and im just curious really so abit of both.
  13. So what front brake do you have and please set it out like so. Brake: hope mini Rotor: hope mini cut by clive leeson Rotor size: 160mm Brake pad: hope Wheel size: 24" Its works ok if your just into street but it over heats and then you get no power.
  14. I used to use internet explorer but now iv just got firefox and want to know what you think is better.
  15. Have any of you done this to carbon cus you all seem to know what your talking about but for some reson i dont think you really know. All i can say is make sure you dont mix clear coats because some can crack on top of others.
  16. OMFG that is the biggest pile of s##t i have ever seen. its soooo bad. Why is MTV going down hill it used to be great.
  17. LCD all the way. they last longer and are cheaper it the long run.
  18. yer thats true but im just really into the old bikes at the mo and i may be a tad exited.
  19. Bump. Come on please i wanna see.
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