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Everything posted by lewis.jackson

  1. Shit yer get them both and sell for more
  2. Thanks for all the comments id love it if they keep coming. Ill do a drop pic but leesons dont seem to snap much.
  3. I run a high psi and the wheel base is ment to be 1020 on a 24" leeson frame Iv got a new pic now so check it out.
  4. Yer it is a lil bit but it funny because its not been closed yet and iv had quite a few posts and you cant say its been done can you.
  5. No s*hit haha. that is why i called it My new paint job. I was hoping to make some of you laugh.
  6. Yer this dude has it right. its a leeson and iv now got some better pics of me riding but my leave em out unless you wanna see?
  7. Yer i do ride 24" but iv never been good at getting proportions rite.
  8. This is me doing a sidehop and id like to know what you think.
  9. Do you know how boaring that sounds. Every time one of this topics comes up there is always some s*it head saying this so if you dont like it way put a pointless post like that. 7foot is as high as ill go.
  10. As soon as iv got the bmx all built up then i will post some pics up of me riding some park but ill keep my trials bike with me so i can put some trials pics up too so that way i don't get a ban for posting bmx pics in a trials forum.
  11. Oh really. What would you of done to me then
  12. I am mate and iv nearly got it finished
  13. Transformers 10/10 GO AND SEE IT NOW
  14. Hell yer we still ride. We are some of the last riders around p-town.
  15. shit i had a sweat on that day and yer the last pic is mega.
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