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Everything posted by lewis.jackson

  1. R is for radial if you don't know and iv not put it on rear wheels cus its just stupid.
  2. What are phat pedals?
  3. Let me know what you call it.
  4. ZeroMatt Whats your town called.
  5. What is it all about cus i have some time to kill.
  6. Not another one of this threads. Cant you just sell it for what you are happy with letting it go for or if your buying it then pay the price your happy with.
  7. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryGood seller and a good person Given By: lewis.jackson You were the: Seller Date: 1204637331
  8. Copper greace is the best and you can put it anywere on your bike.
  9. Spray your brakes the same color as your rim tape. Looks good dude.
  10. I was looking for a wed site or a company name.
  11. Were can i get a copy of my hope leaver blade made because i want to customize it abit and i dont want the hope carbon one?
  12. oi you lil green smokin gayer.

    i want your bum lol

  13. Leeson 609 frame a set of 24" rims and a good set of pads with a note saying "start the 24 inch revolution" lol
  14. God dame it why can i never find stuff on the search.
  15. I need to get some v brack mounts for my fatty r forks if that is what there called. Im on about the pivot things that stick out. if you know what i mean.
  16. I need to get some v brack mounts for my fatty r forks if that is what there called. Im on about the pivot things that stick out. if you know what i mean.
  17. The weather is going to be good so lets get some riders.
  18. I love the look of that bike even if it does look a bit too long for my liking. Id be well up for getting one if i was not getting such a good deal from leeson/fluid23.
  19. Clear means that im getting the paint stripped off and just putting a lacquer coat on.
  20. Ride peterborough cus you know you want to.
  21. mate I want the frame clear so I'll edit this and do a poll so its Easter for people.
  22. Its that time of the year when i get a new color for my bike and i think i know what the frame is going to be so i want help with the forks and its got to go with my components. The frame is going to be clear so i was thinking that the forks should be black or clear. Here is my bike. EDIT: Now a poll.
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