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Everything posted by lewis.jackson

  1. Dont get the Street 24" sus forks as they are soooooooooo heavy
  2. I want to put some riding vids on my iphone and i was hoping any of you could help me out. Iv used zamzar but the phone dont like it. Help me?
  3. What the hell are koxx trying to do with the price of there stuff now. Are they trying to make them selves out of business?
  4. What is shit about it? I know he repeats things a lot but most trials riders do that so you cant really say that. I love this video and when i saw the title i immediately thought of this video and was hoping it was this.
  5. ooooooooh myyyyyy gooooooood i love that.
  6. That looks good bro but i cant tell why ????????????
  7. lewis.jackson


    I was not really in to that as it took too long to get into it. I wont comment on the riding as i never saw that much.
  8. Not too keen on the pink but it looks good.
  9. That's some straight up David copperfield shit right there.
  10. Yer that cud of been better. Im sure Shrewsbury can ride better then that.
  11. Not really in to the graphics on it but i know they ride well.
  12. Thanks dude. Im working on a vid at the moment but i got alot more vids to do and iv got some lines i want to do for it. The vid will be on here when its done so dont worry about that.
  13. Man that was a good vid and it made me want to ride. You should of kept the frame red as it looks waaaaaaaaaaaaay better.
  14. That was good man and you got some skills
  15. Them GT Zaskar frames were soooo light back in the day and i think they are still on the light side arnt they.
  16. I dont know the name of the place but its just out side p-town.
  17. bump. Come on there is more then 29 people on here how hard is it to click a button.
  18. So what do you think. Sorry if the pics are bad but its a new cam. Ok now dont sugercoat it.
  19. No iv not tried it and that is why im saying to go for it because if i had then id tell him not to bother
  20. Dude don't listen to him or anyone just give it a go. People that say it wont work piss me off cus how do they know if they have not tried. EDIT: if you have tried then you can comment.
  21. Just do it man and don't tell too many people or they may steal you idea and if it all fails you can say "well at least i had a go"
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